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Ranked as 2750 on our all-time top downloads list with 9436 downloads.
Ranked as 6374 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 31 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.76.

Filename msd8x.zip (Download)
Title msd8x
Description msd8x is a TI-84 Plus/SE Flash application which serves as a GUI for the usb8x FAT16 mass storage driver. It allows for importing/exporting of 8x* variables, viewing of 8XI picture files, running MirageOS/Ion programs on-the-fly, file/folder management, text file viewing, and more. Version 0.95 allows for the ability to rename files and folders, on-the-fly MirageOS BASIC program running, more auto-launch support, easier folder navigation, and more.
Authors Brandon Wilson (brandonlw@gmail.com)
Michael Vincent (michaelv@ticalc.org)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Misc. Programs
File Size 101,646 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jan 13 15:51:22 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Tyler Stank
Reviewed on 2009-03-16
This program is phenomenal. The ability to use flash drives to expand the memory of these calculators is a great one (and should have been thought of by Texas Instruments). Good thing we've got programmers like this to write this kind of software.

I have only one problem:

It cannot import or export *.8xk flash applications, the main memory hog on my calculator. The ability to carry more apps with me was the whole reason behind my downloading of this and paying money for an adapter.

Otherwise, it is great. The memory expansion is a wonderful thing, it only lacks the ability to transfer apps. With that ability, it would be perfect (in my opinion).

Also, if it does ever get support for transferring flash applications, another nice feature would be the ability to run them "on-the-fly," like it can MirageOS programs, if such a thing is at all possible.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
msd8x.8xk   20651
msd8x.txt   1129
src/add.asm   3394
src/copy.asm   2482
src/del.asm   2168
src/equates.inc   1513
src/error.asm   5307
src/Header.asm   2094
src/images.asm   1561
src/msd8x.asm   18026
src/msd8x.zws   2699
src/new.asm   3201
src/rename.asm   3040
src/runprog.asm   5040
src/settings.inc   301
src/text.asm   7647
src/ti83plus.INC   269439
src/usb8x.inc   11938
src/util.asm   12953

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