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Four Decimal Simplifiers


Ranked as 15682 on our all-time top downloads list with 3513 downloads.
Ranked as 3169 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename decsimp.zip (Download)
Title Four Decimal Simplifiers
Description ABILIFY: This program converts decimals to exact forms. It can convert to a multiple of a square root, a multiple of pi, a multiple of e, or to a fraction. All results are simplified. It can also do this for complex numbers. The program sifts the information in the Ans-memory, showing only what is relevant. ADVANCE: This program is identical with the one above, except that it can also handle a square root of a multiple: not just the numerator is reduced, but also the denominator. ADAPT: This program presents the result of a square root like ABILIFY if the answer will then take up the same space or less, else the result is presented like ADVANCE. Otherwise the program is identical with ADVANCE. ADECSMP: This program presents the result of a square root in both ways if the denominator within the root is bigger than one. Other than that it is identical with ADVANCE. The programs are 639, 710, 776 resp. 743 bytes on your calculator.
Author Anders Tiberg (anders.tiberg@telia.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Arithmetic)
File Size 3,417 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jul 27 06:01:20 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ABILIFY TI-83 Plus.8xp   699
ADAPT TI-83 Plus.8xp   838
ADECSMP TI-83 Plus.8xp   803
ADVANCE TI-83 Plus.8xp   770
DECSIMP.rtf   1632

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