Phoenix 7.6
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Phoenix 7.6
Phoenix is an advanced shoot-em-up game for the TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92 Plus. This game has very smooth gameplay (31+ frames per second) with many objects onscreen. Its features include many different types of enemies, many different levels, the ability to buy additional items, eight possible weapons for your ship, game saving, a high score table, multiple difficulty levels, multiple ships the player can purchase, and multiple speeds. The game only takes about 16K of your memory. It is supplied with full source code. The program may be copied or modified without any restrictions.
Patrick Davidson (
TI-92 Assembly Games (Fargo II)
File Size
89,928 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu Sep 23 08:05:17 2004
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Nature Leseul
Reviewed on
Attention span: 7/10 Various enemy formations and weapons provide variety, but the fact that they're the same each time through the game makes it repetitive. Controls: 9/10 Responsive - when you hit the arrows, your ship moves; when you hit the hand, your ship shoots... Implementation: 6/10 Needs shield/score/money display and such things. Overall: 8/10 A great game.
Phoenix is a fairly standard space-shooter game. You're a spaceship (that looks like a sigma symbol turned on its side) flying through a long scrolling tunnel blasting the enemy ships, who have a tendency to blast back.
The sigma-symbol thing aside, the graphics of this game are quite good. There are a number of types of enemy ships, all of which are distinctive. The scrolling border on the screen is rather uninteresting, but it serves its purpose quite well. Grayscale might have improved some aspects of the graphics, but they stand well enough without it.
There's also a variety of weapons to select from. Occasionally, one of the ships drops a little $ sign marker, which gives you 50 credits if you can pick it up. When at intervals you go to the Phoenix shop, you can buy a number of weapons (8 of them - you change between them with the function keys during the game), as well as several other power-ups such as rapid-fire. Unfortunately, you can only go to the shop when the game puts you there; you can't hit a key to go there at any point in the game.
The problem with this game is that the display contains the playscreen, and nothing else. There's nothing that tells you what level your shields are at, or how much money you have, or anything. (For that matter, it's kind of hard to see the little flash when you get hit.)
Overall, though, despite its shortcomings this game is certainly one worth putting on you calculator. After all, anything's better than paying attention in math class, right? |
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Archive Contents
build.bat | 449 |
bullets.asm | 4170 |
collide.asm | 5500 |
display.asm | 8183 |
ebullets.asm | 5406 |
edestroy.asm | 3430 |
endgame.asm | 9148 |
enemies.asm | 7512 |
enemies2.asm | 22462 |
eshoot.asm | 12741 |
freeship.asm | 3441 |
init.asm | 8467 |
internal.txt | 29967 |
levels.asm | 25590 |
lib.asm | 8433 |
megaboss.asm | 6705 |
phoenix.92p | 16226 |
PHOENIX.ASM | 10067 |
phoenix.i | 6551 |
phoenix.txt | 32113 |
player.asm | 6488 |
savegame.asm | 5395 |
shoot.asm | 12535 |
shop.asm | 12955 |
sides.asm | 6622 |
sprites.asm | 60499 |
test.92p | 164 |
test.asm | 156 |
title.asm | 11253 |
version.i | 2325 |