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Expressing Yourself Through Calculator Assembly v1.1


Ranked as 14917 on our all-time top downloads list with 3637 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename eytca.zip (Download)
Title Expressing Yourself Through Calculator Assembly v1.1
Description A non-classical guide to programming TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus assembly. If you're willing, this will allow you to journey on the path of calculator assembly programming, and enjoy it at the same time. Also has concepts like motivation and hacking for you to think on. This update adds applications of the concepts.
Author Andree Chea (kryptic_89@yahoo.com)
Category Z80 Documentation
File Size 104,363 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Sep 17 00:42:11 2006


Review by  Eugene Evans
Reviewed on 2006-07-31
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

This guide is certainly out of the ordinary. Rather than endless lessons covering every instruction available in the Z80 language, Andree Chea keeps everything refreshingly simple. Of course, if you're serious in your intent to learn Z80 assembly, you will need other resources that describe in detail how to program in assembly (link to such guides and tutorials are included in this package). However, especially with its focus on the mindset needed for such programming, this guide is invaluable as an introduction to the great wide world of Z80 assembly.

Readability: 9/10
Substance: 7/10
Applicability: 11/10

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
cover.html   4672
css/styles.css   1638
html/application.html   577
html/application1.html   15168
html/application2.html   5164
html/application3.html   24704
html/concept.html   573
html/concept1.html   4001
html/concept2.html   10003
html/concept3.html   11342
html/concept4.html   7729
html/concept5.html   6422
html/concept6.html   6909
html/conclusion.html   7739
html/disclaimer.html   1050
html/gfdl.html   20062
html/toc.html   1731
images/application2_baslib.gif   21092
images/concept2_hello.gif   3623
js/scripts.js   2567
stuff/ti83plus.inc   134482

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