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TiEmu v3.03 (w/o gdb)


Ranked as 9 on our all-time top downloads list with 329325 downloads.
Ranked as 6 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 160 downloads.
Ranked as 499 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.49.

Filename tiemu.zip (Download)
Title TiEmu v3.03 (w/o gdb)
Description TiEmu is a full-featured TI89/Titanium/92/92+/V200 multi-platform emulator with an html manual. It offers: popup menu, screenshots, ASM/C debugger, link port, saving state and some other stuff.
Authors Kevin Kofler (kevin.kofler@chello.at)
Romain LiƩvin (roms@tilp.info)
Category Windows Utilities
File Size 3,205,979 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 30 16:17:19 2009
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Tae Lim K
Reviewed on 2012-05-25
I love TIEmu! The first thing I like is how you can make a ROM image from an OS upgrade which you can get from TI's site. Screenshots are also possible, but I would like to see support for animated GIFs. It took me a while to find out about being able to right-click the window to get a menu, so it would be helpful if they were put on top as well. I would recommend this program to any 68k programmer. Overall, 9/10.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ChangeLog.txt   67726
Release.txt   2961
setup.exe   3219088

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