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Pic -> Program Converter


Ranked as 28073 on our all-time top downloads list with 2087 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename picprog.zip (Download)
Title Pic -> Program Converter
Description This nifty utility will convert your current graphscreen to a BASIC program which when called will render the graphscreen state as it was very quickly. This should be useful for programs that require more than 9 pic vars or for authors who don't like to use pic vars for whatever reason.
Author Jonathan Pezzino (jonathan.pezzino@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs
File Size 922 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jun 18 00:11:31 2005
Documentation Included? No


Review by  Austin Smith
Reviewed on 2013-03-30
Cool program.

It's user friendly enough. Easy to understand and edit.

I did run into a couple problems while trying to run the program, but a temporary workaround is easy enough.

The only major problem is the fact I often end up reaching the memory limit for Str1. A quick edit in the program is an easy workaround to pickup where you left off, but it does get a little tedious to edit the PRGM for every 10 lines of Pic. I often need to make multiple "Pic" programs if I'm too lazy to search for the quotes, but what do I know, this is "first world problems."

Other than that, it's decent for smuggling those long notes for math finals. It also serves it's purpose of safe Pic storage.

Overall, 7.5/10

Yes, I know I'm late with this review

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
PICPROG.8xp   297
Readme.txt   842

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