Mandelbrot Set
Ranked as 11964 on our all-time top downloads list with 4235 downloads. Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Review by
Nature Leseul
Reviewed on
Suitability: 7/10 Well done, but not really the right sort of program for a calculator. Ease-Of-Use: 7/10 Quite easy to use; documentation is thorough. Zoom box moves too fast. Overall: 5/10 Just not well-suited for the calculator platform. Use the space for Falldown or something else small.
Well, let's face it. No matter how powerful it is, the TI-92 just really isn't up to the task of fractal browsing. Even the Mandelbrot set, just about the simplest fractal in existence, takes a hideously long time to render, even at the lowest zoom level at an iteration level which still makes the details of the set completely unnoticeable.
This is not to say that Mandelbrot92 is a flawed program. It does its job as well as it can for the system. It includes an adjustable zoom box and varying iteration limits, allowing you to explore the M-set - up to a point. After you zoom in a few times, the program gives up trying to calculate and simply presents you with a black or white screen. (You can almost hear the circuits frying with the strain of the calculation.) The zoom box also moves way too fast when its size is reduced too much, making it hard to zoom in on a precise spot.
At any rate, if you want to look at the true splendor of the M-set, my advice is not to bother with this program. Look around on the Web for a while, find a good program for your PC instead, and use your calculator for what it's meant to be used for. I personally recommend Fractint for that purpose; it's a (freeware) fractal generator that runs pretty well on just about any system you want.
Fortunately, Mandelbrot-92 takes up less than 2K on the calculator, so if you want to just glance at it and see what all the fuss about fractals is, or just give a simple demonstration to those people in your math class who keep bugging you about what the M-set image on the back of your math club T-shirt is, then you can probably use it. |
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