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Ultimate Grab Bag


Ranked as 27779 on our all-time top downloads list with 2118 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename pezzinosgrabbag.zip (Download)
Title Ultimate Grab Bag
Description This is a series of 18 previously unreleased programs that I had deemed worthy of release on ticalc.org but never had gotten around to uploading for one reason or another. Included in this stupendous package are a 3D Graphics/Model Engine, a benchmarking program (for 84+ only), 4 math programs you will not be able to live without once you try them, a time-managing program (also for the 84+ only), a demonstration of Objects in BASIC, a graphical animation demonstration, two graphical sorting algorithm demonstrations, an awesome minesweeper game, 3 cellular automata programs, 2 String manipulation utilities, and a couple of Easter eggs. Do not miss out on this awesome opportunity to download this irreplacable collection of programs in one fell swoop!
Author Jonathan Pezzino (jonathan.pezzino@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 11,535 bytes
File Date and Time Fri May 20 01:58:34 2005
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TREE.8xp   476
SPLITSTR.8xp   422
SHIPS2.8xp   321
RATROOT.8xp   901
QUAD.8xp   645
MINESWP.8xp   900
IRRFRAC.8xp   135
CELLAUTO.8xp   501
BLASTER.8xp   703
ADDKEY.8xp   695
TIMETIMR.8xp   466
SHAPE3D.8xp   1193
RADSIMP.8xp   277
GRAPHIC.8xp   777
CELLAUT2.8xp   427
BBBLSORT.8xp   485
LISTSTR.8xp   397
BUS3D.8xg   887
HOUSE3D.8xg   1202
Readme [shape3d].txt   4442
Readme [superquad].txt   927

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