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Theta-5 Shell v2


Ranked as 26062 on our all-time top downloads list with 2293 downloads.
Ranked as 14989 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename theta5v2.zip (Download)
Title Theta-5 Shell v2
Description A Basic Shell that has a GUI and a terminal interface uses ASM subroutines so it's fast. Takes up a lot of space :-(, but stay tuned for a an APP version in the next few days.
Author Thomas Dickerson (elfprince13@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size 59,079 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 24 03:09:15 2005
Documentation Included? No



Review by  bugmenot.com bugmenot.com
Reviewed on 2005-03-21
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

The “Theta-5 Shell” is great. It has an awesome GUI, it’s easy to use, and it has a really cool screensaver. One glitch I found other then the ones mentioned in the readme file is that if you run a program from Theta-5 and it runs into an error, you can't turn off your calculator until you restart “Theta-5” by using the [Clear] key. One way to bypass this is by typing 1:Asm(prgmONBLOCK at the TI-OS home screen, which deactivates the ONBLOCK subroutine used by “Theta-5”


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Theta5v2/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._.DS_Store   82
Theta5v2/CMDPROMT.8xp   1439
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._CMDPROMT.8xp   82
Theta5v2/CODEX.8xp   908
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._CODEX.8xp   82
Theta5v2/GUISELCT.8xp   425
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._GUISELCT.8xp   82
Theta5v2/INTSELCT.8xp   861
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._INTSELCT.8xp   82
Theta5v2/PROGINFO.8xp   218
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._PROGINFO.8xp   82
Theta5v2/PROGTYPE.8xp   208
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._PROGTYPE.8xp   82
Theta5v2/PTOOLS.8xp   159
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._PTOOLS.8xp   82
Theta5v2/README.rtf   2588
Theta5v2/Theta5pic1.gif   9633
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._Theta5pic1.gif   93202
Theta5v2/Theta5Startup.gif   1865
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._Theta5Startup.gif   44480
Theta5v2/ZL.8xp   861
Theta5v2/ZLIST.8xp   159
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._ZLIST.8xp   82
Theta5v2/ZRUN.8xp   307
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._ZRUN.8xp   82
Theta5v2/θ5LOGO.8xp   861
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._θ5LOGO.8xp   82
Theta5v2/θ5SHELL.8xp   1579
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._θ5SHELL.8xp   82
Theta5v2/θGUI.8xp   861
__MACOSX/Theta5v2/._θGUI.8xp   82

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