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ZMercury 0.70


Ranked as 6201 on our all-time top downloads list with 6378 downloads.
Ranked as 6374 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 381 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.95.

Filename zmercuryti83p.zip (Download)
Title ZMercury 0.70
Description ZMercury is an fast-paced shoot-em-up game for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus, TI-85, and TI-86 calculators with parallax scrolling background. This game has very smooth gameplay with many objects onscreen. It features several power-ups you can collect including enhanced weapons as well as high scores and saving the game. The game only takes about 6K of your memory. It is supplied with full source code, and may be copied or modified without any restrictions.
Author Patrick Davidson (pad@ocf.berkeley.edu)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size 53,822 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Aug 3 05:14:47 2011
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Philip O'Brien
Reviewed on 2006-09-04
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

"ZMercury" is a very fun and addicting game. The object is simple. Just shoot and kill the enemy planes and get hit as least as possible by enemy fire.

Graphics: The graphics of this game make it pretty clear and suit the game
Controls: Just the [2nd] and arrow keys
Gameplay: Fun to play and has a high score table, so you can try and get a higher score every time. My high score is 2723.
The game has very smooth gameplay and scrolling.

Repetitive Play: The level is the same thing over and over again. You fight through several enemies and the whole thing starts over again. It is just the same sequence of events over and over until you die.
Playing for the first 20 times: This game is very difficult to play when you are a beginner. You will die a lot, and it won't be fun. But the important thing is to develop a pattern to dodge the bullets, because the enemies shoot in a similar pattern each time.

Overall, "ZMercury" is a fun game to play, and can be very fun after you get decent at it. It is definitely worth the download.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
bonus.asm   1960
build.bat   85
build82.bat   170
build83.bat   173
build85.bat   210
build86.bat   197
build8x.bat   175
buildtable.c   270
bullets.asm   3945
collide.asm   2164
drwspr.asm   16173
ebullets.asm   3427
enemies.asm   9323
entry.asm   5443
eshoot.asm   2835
exchange.asm   1303
gfx.asm   5178
hitenemy.asm   1584
images.asm   4871
info.asm   7481
keys.i   614
lib.asm   2398
lib12.asm   2011
map.i   3256
map0.gsm   3864
non85.asm   2151
player.asm   4181
scores.asm   6734
sines.i   1152
sprites/base.asm   125
sprites/base.gst   1160
sprites/boss.asm   182
sprites/boss.gst   1238
sprites/bullet1.asm   80
sprites/bullet1.gst   1160
sprites/bulletd.asm   72
sprites/bulletd.gst   1160
sprites/bulletu.asm   72
sprites/bulletu.gst   1160
sprites/ebullet1.asm   80
sprites/ebullet1.gst   1160
sprites/ebullet2.asm   64
sprites/ebullet2.gst   1160
sprites/enemy1.asm   114
sprites/enemy1.gst   1160
sprites/enemy2.asm   134
sprites/enemy2.gst   1238
sprites/health.asm   88
sprites/health.gst   1160
sprites/player.asm   150
sprites/player.gst   1238
sprites/score.asm   88
sprites/score.gst   1160
sprites/spin1.asm   112
sprites/spin1.gst   1160
sprites/spin1b.asm   112
sprites/spin1b.gst   1160
sprites/spin2.asm   112
sprites/spin2.gst   1160
sprites/spin2b.asm   112
sprites/spin2b.gst   1160
sprites/spin3.asm   112
sprites/spin3.gst   1160
sprites/spin3b.asm   112
sprites/spin3b.gst   1160
sprites/spin4.asm   112
sprites/spin4.gst   1160
sprites/spin4b.asm   112
sprites/spin5.asm   112
sprites/spin5.gst   1160
sprites/spin5b.asm   112
sprites/spint1.asm   112
sprites/spint1.gst   1160
sprites/spint2.asm   112
sprites/spint2.gst   1160
sprites/spint3.asm   112
sprites/spint3.gst   1160
sprites/spint4.asm   112
sprites/spint4.gst   1160
sprites/weapon.asm   88
sprites/weapon.gst   1160
sprites/weapon2.asm   88
sprites/weapon2.gst   1160
terrain.asm   4258
terrain.i   561
title.asm   4432
vars.asm   3212
zmerc.asm   2920
zmerc82.asm   2501
zmerc83.asm   2640
zmerc85.asm   2761
zmerc86.asm   5039
zmerc8x.asm   2647
zmercury.i   3814
ZMercury.txt   9782

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