Knight Moves v1.2
Ranked as 8566 on our all-time top downloads list with 5272 downloads. Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Sam Heald
Reviewed on
Attention span: 6/10 It certainly will take you awhile to win :) Controls: 10/10 Knight moves is all about control Implementation: 8/10 Standard for this type of game Overall: 7/10 Decent
This is a puzzle game originally made for ZShell. You control the awkward moving chess piece, the Knight, and your goal is to move upon every square of the chess board.
If you don't play chess, the knight moves 2 squares in any direction, then one square in the oposite directions(kind of like an L). This task is much easier said than done when you cannot land on the same square twice.
The only negative is that the knight doesn't look like a knight at all. This game is too simple to warrant that it remain on your calculator for extended periods of time, but it is a challenge. The closest I have came to winning is 1 square away. |
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Archive Contents
KNIGHT.82P | 532 |
KNIGHT.TXT | 3698 |
KNIGHT.ASM | 11337 |