TIGCC for Linux/Unix v0.95 r3 (Linux/x86 binary RPM)
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tigcc_rpm.tar.bz2 (Download)
TIGCC for Linux/Unix v0.95 r3 (Linux/x86 binary RPM)
This is the port of the well-known TIGCC from Win32 to Linux and other *nix platforms (including MacOS X). TIGCC is an SDK for C and ASM development for the TI-89, the TI-89 Titanium, the TI-92 Plus and the Voyage 200. It is a complete product with a compiler, assembler, linker and a very rich set of functions. (An IDE for Linux/Unix is planned.) This TIGCC release is based on GCC 3.3.3 and Binutils 2.14. These are Linux binaries for an x86 (386 or higher) CPU. The RPM can be installed into any directory using "rpm -i tigcc_*.rpm --prefix ~/tigcc" (substitute the desired destination directory for "~/tigcc"), which allows you to install it even if you don't have root privileges. The default destination directory is /usr/local/tigcc. It will automatically take care of registering the environment variables accordingly. It was built and tested on Fedora Core 2, but since it has no dependencies, it will probably work on other RPM-based distributions too.
Henri Moilanen (henri.moilanen@pp.phnet.fi) Kevin Kofler (kevin.kofler@chello.at) Romain LiƩvin (roms@tilp.info)
Unix Utilities
File Size
3,010,766 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Nov 20 04:01:31 2004
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