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C string converter


Ranked as 21822 on our all-time top downloads list with 2729 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename c_strings.zip (Download)
Title C string converter
Description This program will convert an array of C strings into an optimized assembly format as well as generate the necessary assembly routines to access them. This utility is meant to be used with the TIGCC development environment, though it could be used for other purposes. Depending on how many strings are in the C array, it is possible to shave off hundreds of bytes from your programs. For more information, please consult the ReadMe.
Author Travis Fischer (fisch0920@yahoo.com)
Category DOS Assembly Utilities
File Size 17,473 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Sep 3 00:07:16 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
c_strings/c_strings.c   10400
c_strings/c_strings.exe   31578
c_strings/c_strings.tpr   1149
c_strings/in.txt   1306
c_strings/ReadMe.txt   3530

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