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Pixel Madness


Ranked as 25359 on our all-time top downloads list with 2369 downloads.
Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename pixelmadness.zip (Download)
Title Pixel Madness
Description A megademo style program for the TI-83 Plus. Features some nice old-school effects, such as 3D tunnel, rippling water and wavy flag.
Author Benjamin Ryves (benryves@benryves.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Graphics Programs (Ion)
File Size 57,728 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Aug 20 03:49:04 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Wilhelm Zarz
Reviewed on 2005-05-16
Wow. This graphics demo on the 83+ just blows my mind. It’s got some of the best graphics I’ve seen on a simple black and white LCD screen. 10/10 for graphics. It would be nice if these were implemented into screen savers. It amazes me how much the programmer did with pixels. These are the kind of graphics I’ve always dreamed on the 83+ and now I’ve seen them. Purely amazing.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
source/field.z80   6217
source/flag.z80   6751
source/general.inc   1701
source/globe.z80   3358
source/icon.inc   405
source/images.inc   8634
source/ion8x.inc   488
source/keyval.inc   1377
source/letters.inc   18788
source/linedraw.INC   4901
source/mirage.inc   449
source/pixelmad.z80   13319
source/ripple.inc   2508
source/shifts.inc   963
source/tbls.inc   24958
source/ti83plus.inc   111820
source/tnllut.inc   6178
source/trig.inc   2393
source/tunnel.z80   5768
source/water.z80   3195
Pixel Madness.txt   1404
pixelmad.8xP   9526

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