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FallDown 3D .9


Ranked as 5143 on our all-time top downloads list with 7001 downloads.

Filename falldown3d.zip (Download)
Title FallDown 3D .9
Description Falldown 3D is the classic game of falldown--with a twist. Instead of the standard display where a circle is falling down the screen, Falldown 3D features a ball that stays at the front of the screen as walls with holes in them come at the ball such that the game looks 3D, hence the name.
Authors jesse frey (soring8@hotmail.com)
William Polzin (yttrio@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Platform)
File Size 199,542 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Mar 29 04:15:00 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
falldown3d/Falldown 3D 4x4 edit.89z   2267
falldown3d/Falldown 3D 4x4 edit.9xz   2247
falldown3d/Falldown 3D 4x4 edit.v2z   2247
falldown3d/falldown4x4.89y   6951
falldown3d/falldown4x4.89z   1159
falldown3d/falldown4x4.9xy   8299
falldown3d/falldown4x4.9xz   1159
falldown3d/falldown4x4.v2y   8299
falldown3d/falldown4x4.v2z   1159
falldown3d/levels/main.wlvl01.89y   158
falldown3d/levels/main.wlvl02.89y   128
falldown3d/levels/main.wlvl03.89y   130
falldown3d/levels/main.wlvl04.89y   148
falldown3d/levels/main.wlvl05.89y   170
falldown3d/readme.txt   2237
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/BlackScrean.s   331
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/colition detection.h   5150
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/const.h   430
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/defs.h   1474
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/Falldown 3D 4x4 edit.tpr   1538
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/levedit.c   4074
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/load level.h   3276
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/macros.h   4721
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/marker.s   1101
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/menu.h   1938
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/opts.h   1614
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/prototypes.h   370
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/select.s   598
falldown3d/src/4x4 edit/types.h   485
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/BlackScrean.s   329
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/colition detection.h   4958
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/const.h   65031
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/defs.h   1143
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/DrawBall.s   2205
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/falldown4x4.tpr   1985
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/FastFilledSquare_Draw_R.s   4390
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/Gray inline.h   4639
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/gray.s   16142
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/Keys.h   598
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/level gen/levWrite.c   2545
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/level gen/levWrite.tpr   1208
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/level gen/rand level.89z   675
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/level gen/rand level.9xz   675
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/level gen/rand level.c   1408
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/level gen/rand level.tpr   1237
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/level gen/rand level.v2z   675
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/load level.h   1386
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/macros.h   11686
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/main.c   16160
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/menus.c   3544
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/misc.c   1970
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/opts.h   2947
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/prototypes.h   1758
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/SmallCopyScreen.s   192
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/SmallGrayClearScreen.s   265
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/types.h   485
falldown3d/src/4x4 fd/waitNoKey.s   150
falldown3d/src/ball.gif   628
falldown3d/src/ripples big.bmp   92214
falldown3d/src/ripples3.bmp   48054

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