Outdone TI Series 1.0
Ranked as 28565 on our all-time top downloads list with 2026 downloads. Ranked as 3312 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Review by
Spencer Dubya
Reviewed on
This program is amazingly awesome! It has everything needed for the chapter we are studying on series in math. I can't believe they put all the information they did in such a small package. In fact, Outdone TI Series is so good, it helped me get an "A" on yesterday's quiz! I tried some of the other programs about series and they seriously lacked features compared to this one. The Pascal's triangle option has everything I wanted, including an option to find a row given coefficients and powers! Cool! I would definitely recommend this program to anyone studying series. This program used "the resources of the calculator to the fullest." 10/10 |
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