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The Trig Machine v3.6


Ranked as 10167 on our all-time top downloads list with 4734 downloads.
Ranked as 3426 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename trigmtry.zip (Download)
Title The Trig Machine v3.6
Description THE ULTIMATE TRIANGLE SOLVER! Simply stated this program will solve for any angle or side of a triangle that you don't know. Input any variation of 3 different angels or sides and the program will automatically find and solve the resulting unknowns. The program also displays an option of viewing the area of each triangle. There are two different ways to view the results, including a graphical display and a list option. In addition the program also checks and makes sure that the triangle is in fact a real triangle. An error is displayed if it is not. This is a direct ASM port from the BASIC version, has many more features, and of course runs faster. Added in this upgrade from the original is a list view along with the GUI view.
Author Morgan Davies (morgazum85@gmail.com)
Category TI-83 Assembly Source (Ion)
File Size 23,075 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Sep 21 03:38:26 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Trigmtry v3.4/ion/Trigmtry.z80   27763
Trigmtry v3.4/mirageos/Trigmtry.z80   28261
Trigmtry v3.6/ion/Trigmtry.z80   33524
Trigmtry v3.6/mirageos/Trigmtry.z80   34021
Input.asm   5752
Trigmtry.html   14741

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