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Weak Acid/Base Solver v2.4


Ranked as 17560 on our all-time top downloads list with 3240 downloads.
Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename acidbase.zip (Download)
Title Weak Acid/Base Solver v2.4
Description Using this program you can quickly find the pH of any weak acid or base and is in general a very useful tool for acid/base equilibrium problems.
Authors Daniel Bishop (dbishop@neo.tamu.edu)
Morgan Davies (porter) (morgazum85@gmail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Science Programs
File Size 7,194 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jan 17 19:56:12 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Anthony Loven
Reviewed on 2005-01-20
Functionality: 8/10 Great, fast, works well
Controls: 9/10 Very user-friendly
Efficiency: 10/10 Instant answers
Overall: 9/10 Awesome chemistry program!

This program is great for chemistry classes. It can give you the pH and pOH of any weak acid or base solution. It's also great because you can enter the initial value of [H+], [OH-], and your conjugate acids/bases. It really helps, especially with buffered solutions. This program was tested by me with various problems, and I could find no error! This is a must download for all your chemistry needs. I personally use this to check my work, so I don't have to do it again.

The next step for this program would be for it to be able to solve for any unknown, like an unknown Ka or Kb value using some known variables. Overall, this program brings out the full potential of the TI-86 in the Chemistry classroom. Great job Daniel and Morgan!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
AcidBase.86P   1000
AcidBase.asm   9459
AcidBase.html   14194

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