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Benumbered v1.0


Ranked as 26478 on our all-time top downloads list with 2245 downloads.

Filename benumbered.zip (Download)
Title Benumbered v1.0
Description The gameplay of Benumbered is like Bejuweled Deluxe(C). This is just a demo to see if I should finish it. Until now the time doesn't go down in Time Trial-mode, no hints, no highscores, no checking for no moves (so you don't know when it's game over :P), the animation-option doesn't do anything, and more things not present. Please send me e-mail!
Author Cerzus69 (cerzus69@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Puzzle)
File Size 9,466 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 4 07:54:11 2004
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  aaron barnhart
Reviewed on 2004-07-13
Even though the author says “Benumbered” isn't complete, it is good enough now to be downloaded. If you have ever played “Bejeweled” or any of its many clones, you will love this. Although the numbers aren't as easy to use as the gems were on the real game, you can't complain much when you've got it on your calculator. As of right now, my only complaints are that time trial mode doesn't work and the screen flickers all the time.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
numbered.8xp   2605
NUMBERED.83P   2603
numbered.txt   23583

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