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Ranked as 2021 on our all-time top downloads list with 11123 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 72 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.67.

Filename desolate.zip (Download)
Title Desolate
Description Desolate for the 83(+(SE)). A Top-Down style Adventure/Puzzle game with some RPG elements. It features Flickerless Grayscale GFX (thanks to Durk Kingma's Grayscale Package), lots of Items to collect, crazy Enemies, a complex story-line(for a calc game anyway ;P) and more! Should also work fine on a TI-84+. Be sure to check it out :D. Head over to www.MaxCoderz.com for more cool TI-83(+(SE)) Games! *Note* - If this game runs too slow, try changing the interrupt setting. Details can be found in the README.TXT file.
Author Patrick Prendergast (tr1p1ea@gmail.com)
Category TI-83 Assembly Games (Venus)
File Size 101,667 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Dec 7 20:20:09 2004
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Robert Lamermayer
Reviewed on 2005-11-24
I had a bit of a problem getting “Desolate” to run properly in “Mirage OS” -- turns out there's an issue with “Omnicalc”'s font sets. Apparently, if you've got a font set installed and/or unarchived on your calc, “Desolate” will not run. Sometimes, the program will refuse to run, in which case I just unarchive it, run it, then archive it again.

A great game, and it's pretty amazing that the author could fit that much stuff into such a small package...

I haven't gotten very far in the game yet, because I can't find the level 4 access code or figure out the life-support data disk (!). However, from what I've seen so far, it's pretty good. The controls are a bit frustrating until you learn them, but once you do, playing is a breeze. The storyline seems very good so far, and, speedwise, it's pretty smooth on my TI-83+SE.

I have no major complaints, except that my friend's TI-84+SE glitches sometimes - the graphics become squeezed to the left of the screen and refuse to fix themselves until “Mirage OS” is exited. And the AI, as mentioned before, it a bit 'flitty,' but that's not really a problem. Most average gamers wouldn't notice that.

This program implemented grayscale graphics to their best - the best I've ever seen, in fact. Since I'm trying to get into game programming, I can truly say I'd learn a lot by studying this game's code (if it was accessible).

Graphics: 10/10
Storyline: 10/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Ease of use: 9/10
Speed: 9/10 (takes a long time to start up/exit)
Overall: 9/10 - an excellent game and a must-have for everyone who has a TI-83+SE or TI-84!

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
83/Desolate.83P   25994
83+(SE)/DesData.8xp   6483
83+(SE)/Desolate.8xp   22572
Screens/Desolate_Ani.gif   67912
Screens/Desolate1.gif   2974
Screens/Desolate2.gif   2679
Screens/Desolate3.gif   2636
ReadMe.txt   8435

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