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Diablo 83: Dungeon Crawl


Ranked as 692 on our all-time top downloads list with 21653 downloads.
Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 678 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 5.66.

Filename diablodc.zip (Download)
Title Diablo 83: Dungeon Crawl
Description Easily one of the top BASIC RPGs out there, Dungeon Crawl features fast animation, unique/champion monsters, magical equipment, spells, potions, treasure chests and more! Battle your way through ten floors of evil.. you won't regret the download :).
Author Dave Marsh (satsui@graffiti.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 11,369 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Mar 8 05:52:34 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  matthew mcdevitt
Reviewed on 2009-05-07
I am relatively experienced programmer and I have played this game all the way through and I would like to say

1. game play: IT IS GREAT the whole walking around and having a battle system that works is cool in all but all the maps are the same and the XP system is very slow (lvl 9 to lvl 10 takes for EVER)

2. overall fun-ness: its a time killer. I would playing it in a boring math class (you are supposed to have calculators there) but other than that game play moves very slow

3. use of calculator: from a programmer stand point I have a few questions. 1. whats with all the programs, I have attempted RPGs before and I understand that that is not a pic and takes allot of work to draw like that but are all the other programs necessary? like the game takes the entire RAM except what is needed to play. 2. why is every map the same except for the monsters? just asking...

I would recommend this game because it is fun and has a good length. but if you write games or have a bunch of others I would wait until you are bored with those before you play this game.

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
DCD.8xp   329
DCE.8xp   253
DCEN.8xp   1137
DCF.8xp   2880
DCM.8xp   985
DC.8xp   1819
DCP.8xp   444
DCS.8xp   2573
DCSK.8xp   692
DCST.8xp   1019
DCT.8xp   745

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