AOE2: 2 player GOLD edition
Ranked as 295 on our all-time top downloads list with 36023 downloads. Ranked as 4239 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads. Ranked as 663 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 5.98.
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AOE2: 2 player GOLD edition
Finally! The first and BEST REAL-TIME STRATEGY GAME in BASIC, AOE2:The Age Of Calcs 2 PLAYER GOLD EDITION has been uploaded to its [hopefully] full potential! You can now play aoe2 against your friends via link cable! There are a few NEW FEATURES added to the game also. First of all, the GRAPHICS are WAY better, there are 6 NEW RESEARCHES, you can now build a FORTIFIED WALL, a BLACKSMITH is now available to build so that you can upgrade your military units' attack, 4 new CIVILIZATIONS, and a CHATTING SESSION with your opponent at the end of the game. All of these new features add up with the older ones to make 9 different CIVILIZATIONS each with their own unique BONUSES, 7 BUILDINGS, 14 different RESEARCHES TOTAL including the ones in the blacksmith, GOLD and FOOD resources, 3 different MILITARY UNITS (infantry, cavalry, seige), VILLAGERS, and 4 different ages (dark, feudal, castle, imperial)! Srry people about what had happened to the old file, it was missing 2 programs. OOPS!
caleb rorex ( tal oz (
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size
15,489 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Nov 20 21:00:34 2004
Documentation Included?
Review by
Stephen Jenkins
Reviewed on
"AOE" takes a lot of memory, and the interface is hard to learn. It does not have a single player mode, but otherwise has good graphics and is a fun game. When compared to the original "AOE", it has better graphics and a multiplayer option. The multiplayer is nice if you have a calculator to calculator link cable, and a friend with a calculator to play with. When you archive this program, it will come up with a message saying archived. Archive everything, reset, unarchive, and it works again. It is good for a TI 83-plus SE and 84-plus & 84SE. The game can be slow in places, but usually is quick. Generally a so-so game. |
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Archive Contents
ZFLASH.8xp | 132 |
AOE3_theta_1.8xp | 8406 |
AOE2P.8xp | 2054 |
AOE3_theta_5.8xp | 7679 |
AOE3_theta_4.8xp | 6961 |
AOE3_theta_3.8xp | 9025 |
AOE3_theta_2.8xp | 10715 |
readme.txt | 3191 |