uLtra TOurnaMent II
Ranked as 261 on our all-time top downloads list with 38768 downloads. Ranked as 6374 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads. Ranked as 680 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 5.49.
ut2.zip (Download)
uLtra TOurnaMent II
This is the sequel to the popular UnreaL TOurnaMent v1.0, the revolutionary all-3D first person shooter for the TI-83 and TI-83+/SE. This version contains seven new large, complex levels. The graphics engine has been rebuild from scratch and all of the previous bugs have been eliminated. Also, two-player link play has been added with a proprietary assembly program. This game runs on the ReaL 3D graphics engine, and includes incredible 3D wall and environment rendering. The game is completely graphical; even the menus are graphical. At a mere 4.5K without the multiplayer modules, this is one of the smallest 3D first person shooters out there. Each of the seven possible levels takes less than 1 kbyte. There is no annoying wait while the program loads levels or screens; after an initial install to set preferences, from starting the program to starting shooting people takes about 5 seconds. There are enemies to shoot that shoot back, and you must collect health and ammo. If you run out of health from being shot, you lose. Now Doors CS v4.0 optimized.
Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (First-person Shooters)
File Size
76,134 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon Feb 16 09:03:42 2004
Documentation Included?
Review by
Nathan Ladwig
Reviewed on
uLtra TOurnaMent II is one of the best games I have ever seen. This game is better than many ASM games I have found. The graphics are amazing, the speed is pretty good (could be better if it was converted to ASM though). I love playing this. Great Job! The only problem I have is that the AI isn't very intelligent.
Graphics-12/10 Wow! Gameplay-9-10 - Bad AI Controls-10-10 - really easy to learn Speed-7-10 Kind of slow, but then again this is BASIC |
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Archive Contents
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