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Fire Track 2


Ranked as 16372 on our all-time top downloads list with 3410 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 516 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.46.

Filename ft2_83.zip (Download)
Title Fire Track 2
Description Fire Track gets a much needed makeover and is now a much better game - and it's now on the TI-83! Featuring two modes of play - Classic or Extended - giving you the feel of the original BBC Micro game or the more exciting Extended version with extra weapons that can be picked up every 100 points, such as the destructive EMP or time-warping 'speed' or 'freeze' powerups. Dysfunction says: "I am awed by FT's graphics. They are the best black and white gfx on the 83+." Randroid says: "This game looks more than Awesome!" SenorPhrog says: "seriously, this game farxing RAWKS" Judge for yourself: fast, smoothscrolling (destructable) tilemaps, parallax scrolling stars, path based enemies, and random level generation as well as the two original levels. This game will run in Ion.
Author Benjamin Ryves (benryves@benryves.com)
Category TI-83 Assembly Games (Ion)
File Size 118,232 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jan 26 08:42:05 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Fretrck2 - TI83 Ion.83P   13296
readme/classicextended.gif   1552
readme/completed.gif   2660
readme/emp.gif   828
readme/ft2.gif   1176
readme/highscore.gif   1274
readme/inverse.gif   1726
readme/kamikaze.gif   832
readme/laser.gif   832
readme/lives.gif   1868
readme/lowram.gif   1147
readme/mine.gif   2250
readme/orig2.gif   5817
readme/orig3.gif   4558
readme/orig4.gif   4225
readme/orig5.gif   8015
readme/orig6.gif   6203
readme/orig7.gif   5140
readme/origft2.gif   6941
readme/powerup.gif   2212
readme/ReadMe.htm   18857
readme/shield.gif   828
readme/speed.gif   830
readme/time.gif   830
source/attacks.inc   2975
source/chunks.inc   7544
source/config.inc   1758
source/drawback.inc   5161
source/explode.inc   1159
source/firework.inc   1982
source/Fretrck2.z80   53707
source/general.inc   5578
source/grfx.inc   8507
source/hiscore.inc   2522
source/intro.inc   3030
source/ion83.inc   283
source/ion8x.inc   488
source/keyval.inc   1377
source/levelman.inc   3169
source/levels.inc   11496
source/mirage.inc   536
source/pagefile.inc   3283
source/paths.inc   13578
source/powerups.inc   1825
source/score.inc   3298
source/ship.inc   1070
source/sprite.inc   14819
source/sprites.inc   5674
source/tackons.inc   1443
source/terrain.inc   6174
source/ti83asm.INC   22608
source/ti83plus.inc   3170
source/tokens.INC   31672
source/type.inc   1077
source/vars.inc   2653

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