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Rock, Paper, Scissors with Artificial Intelligence


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Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename rpsai.zip (Download)
Title Rock, Paper, Scissors with Artificial Intelligence
Description A very addicting and fun Rock, Paper, Scissors game. This one is the real deal! Incredibly easy to use and understand interface, statistics tracking, fun graphics sequence to "set the mood," no annoying requests for bets, wagers, etc., just straightforward choose and click, and, best of all, a Artificial Intelligence program that is designed to think like an actual person, not a robot. This program is a great way to kill time, whether it be on the bus, during class, in the car, in between commercials, whenever! In fact, it's so amzingly addictive and fun you'll probably wishing you had more time to kill! Also, see the last section in the readme on how you can save yourself a massive amount of work and use this program for your upcoming Science Fair Project!
Author Jonathan Pezzino (jonathan.pezzino@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Chance/Rock, Paper, Scissors)
File Size 14,064 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 28 09:33:15 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Pic5.8xi   832
Pic6.8xi   832
Pic7.8xi   832
RPSAI.8xp   1028
RPSMAIN.8xp   1706
Rock, Paper, Scissors Readme.txt   10928
RPS07.BMP   73782
RPS02.BMP   73782
RPS03.BMP   73782
RPS04.BMP   73782
RPS05.BMP   73782
RPS06.BMP   71622

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