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Belch Math v4.65


Ranked as 25721 on our all-time top downloads list with 2327 downloads.
Ranked as 22631 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename belchmath.zip (Download)
Title Belch Math v4.65
Description Belch Math v.4.65 is a math program which calculates the volumes of cubes,cylinders, spheres, rectangular prisms, pyramids, and cones. Belch also has a Pythagorean Theorem function for calculating a,b, or c when two are given and a slope function, for finding the slope of a line when given two points. Belch Math is brought to you by nKproductions.
Authors Nick (nick_dk@hotmail.com)
Morgan Davies (porter) (morgazum85@gmail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Math Programs
File Size 91,645 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Dec 9 00:19:29 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Readme.txt   2780
BelchMath/Belch.86P   1023
BelchMath/Pythag.86P   1037
BelchMath/Volume2.86p   3053
BelchMath/Includes/BMP2ASM.asm   2553
BelchMath/Includes/LITE86.ASM   709
BelchMath/Includes/LITE86.C   7808
BelchMath/Includes/LITE86.DLL   49152
BelchMath/Includes/LITE86.EXE   38912
BelchMath/Includes/LITE86.TXT   3992
BelchMath/Includes/Menu86.asm   5346
BelchMath/Pics/Pic 1.png   470
BelchMath/Pics/Pic 2.png   986
BelchMath/Pics/Pic 3.png   1109
BelchMath/Pics/Pic 4.png   937
BelchMath/Pics/Pic 5.png   1183
BelchMath/Pics/Pic 6.png   1195
BelchMath/Pics/Pic 7.png   1058
BelchMath/Pics/Pic 9.png   470
BelchMath/Source/Belch.asm   11409
BelchMath/Source/Pythag.asm   18839
BelchMath/Source/Volume2.asm   28758

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