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Astro Miner 0.2


Ranked as 12343 on our all-time top downloads list with 4142 downloads.
Ranked as 699 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 5.16.

Filename astrominer0.2.zip (Download)
Title Astro Miner 0.2
Description This is a rather addicting game that involves collecting space jewels, avoiding enemy mines that seek and destroy, and evading the deadly gravitational pull of occasional black holes. This version actually includes the correct executables.
Author Jude Nelson (judecn@aol.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Chasing, Dodging)
File Size 101,016 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Dec 2 23:46:04 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  TI Freakware
Reviewed on 2008-06-18
Originality - 7/10

Functionability - 6/15

Graphics - 3/5

Titlescreen/intro - 1/5

Readme - 9/15

Replayability - 0/10

Bonus - 0/0

TOTAL - 26/60

TiCalc - 4/10

It crashed my calc several times with various errors (Illegal, Address, etc), when I got sucked into a black hole. If only the serious bugs had been fixed, this game would have been really cool. Astro Miner has potential to be something awesome, it just isn't right now.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Source Code/Astro Miner.o   26107
Source Code/ExtGraph/extgraph.a   56938
Source Code/ExtGraph/extgraph.h   28225
Source Code/menus.h   9153
Astro Miner Pics/screen1.bmp   64054
Astro Miner Pics/screen1_gif.GIF   2102
Astro Miner Pics/screen2.bmp   64054
Astro Miner Pics/screen2_gif.GIF   2219
Astro Miner Pics/screen3.bmp   64054
Astro Miner Pics/screen3_gif.GIF   1331
Astro Miner Pics/screen4.bmp   64054
Astro Miner Pics/screen4_gif.GIF   1754
Astro Miner Pics/Thumbs.db   34816
Executables/Astro Miner.89z   1793
Source Code/astromin_dat.h   8811
Source Code/c_sprites.h   7635
Source Code/Astro Miner.c   20561
Source Code/Astro Miner.tpr   481
README Astro Miner.txt   6850
Executables/Astro Miner.89y   11376
Executables/Astro Miner.9xy   11376
Executables/Astro Miner.9xz   1793

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