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PolySnd Player


Ranked as 1997 on our all-time top downloads list with 11195 downloads.
Ranked as 4239 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename pplayer.zip (Download)
Title PolySnd Player
Description PolySnd Player is a advance player in grayscale for play MIDI file in mono or stereo. PolySnd Player get a lot informations of the file in progress... Its possible to make MIDI file for PolySnd Player with PolySnd MIDI Converter.
Author Geoffrey Anneheim (geoffrey.anneheim@free.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Sound Programs
File Size 227,000 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Nov 11 18:38:03 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
License.txt   18342
Readme.txt   495
bin/TI92 Plus/Player.9xz   2010
bin/TI92 Plus/Player.9xy   14991
bin/V200/Player.v2y   14991
bin/V200/Player.v2z   2010
bin/TI89 & TI89T/Player.89y   14927
bin/TI89 & TI89T/Player.89z   2010
Documentation/Lisez-moi.txt   4096
Documentation/readme.txt   3917
exemples/TI89/VPeople.89y   1082
exemples/TI89/wondboy.89y   547
exemples/TI89/only4u.89y   461
exemples/TI89/addams.89y   440
exemples/TI89/Arrakis.89y   1499
exemples/TI89/Chrono.89y   715
exemples/TI89/Doom.89y   1686
exemples/TI89/Duke3D.89y   1407
exemples/TI89/Gadget.89y   794
exemples/TI89/Macgyver.89y   365
exemples/TI89/tetrissm.89y   409
exemples/TI92 Plus/only4u.9xy   461
exemples/TI92 Plus/addams.9xy   440
exemples/TI92 Plus/Arrakis.9xy   1499
exemples/TI92 Plus/Chrono.9xy   715
exemples/TI92 Plus/Doom.9xy   1686
exemples/TI92 Plus/Duke3D.9xy   1407
exemples/TI92 Plus/Gadget.9xy   794
exemples/TI92 Plus/Macgyver.9xy   365
exemples/TI92 Plus/tetrissm.9xy   409
exemples/TI92 Plus/VPeople.9xy   1082
exemples/TI92 Plus/wondboy.9xy   547
exemples/V200/wondboy.v2y   547
exemples/V200/addams.v2y   440
exemples/V200/Arrakis.v2y   1499
exemples/V200/Chrono.v2y   715
exemples/V200/Doom.v2y   1686
exemples/V200/Duke3D.v2y   1407
exemples/V200/Gadget.v2y   794
exemples/V200/Macgyver.v2y   365
exemples/V200/only4u.v2y   461
exemples/V200/tetrissm.v2y   409
exemples/V200/VPeople.v2y   1082
exemples/Sources/ASM/ymca1.asm   9824
exemples/Sources/ASM/ymca2.asm   19142
exemples/Sources/ASM/macgyver1.asm   1353
exemples/Sources/ASM/macgyver2.asm   1782
exemples/Sources/ASM/DUKE3D1.asm   30346
exemples/Sources/ASM/DUKE3D2.asm   13162
exemples/Sources/ASM/Doom1.asm   22561
exemples/Sources/ASM/Doom2.asm   24896
exemples/Sources/ASM/ARRAKIS1.asm   37235
exemples/Sources/ASM/ARRAKIS2.asm   62607
exemples/Sources/ASM/chrono1.asm   10959
exemples/Sources/ASM/chrono2.asm   10902
exemples/Sources/ASM/addams1.asm   19101
exemples/Sources/ASM/addams2.asm   2490
exemples/Sources/ASM/Inspect1.asm   11837
exemples/Sources/ASM/tetrismedley1.asm   10560
exemples/Sources/ASM/tetrismedley2.asm   3199
exemples/Sources/ASM/Wonderboy1.asm   8205
exemples/Sources/ASM/Wonderboy2.asm   7171
exemples/Sources/Midi/addams.mid   2585
exemples/Sources/Midi/Inspector Gadget.mid   2222
exemples/Sources/Midi/ymca.mid   2923
exemples/Sources/Midi/without_me.mid   4512
exemples/Sources/Midi/macgyver.mid   1052
exemples/Sources/Midi/tetrismedley.mid   4285
exemples/Sources/Midi/doom.mid   15670
exemples/Sources/Midi/ctfair.mid   13401
exemples/Sources/Midi/DUKE3D24.MID   7463
exemples/Sources/Midi/ARRAKIS.MID   16137
exemples/Sources/Midi/Wonderboy.mid   6615
icone/PPlayer.bmp   142
icone/Thumbs.db   3584
icone/PPlayer.9xy   199
icone/PPlayer.89y   199
sources/Player.h   10888
sources/screens.h   6500
sources/SPRITES.H   2143
sources/welcome.h   18090
sources/Player.c   2884
sources/Command.h   8436
sources/dialogs.h   8708
sources/Divers.h   5726
sources/errors.h   589
sources/header.h   2606
sources/Player.tpr   1549
sources/polysnd2.a   30060
sources/polysnd2.h   16385
sources/extgraph.a   56938
sources/extgraph.h   28237
sources/welcome.wav   22044
sources/sprites/dialog.JPG   2839
sources/sprites/environnement.bmp   15478
sources/sprites/INFO1.bmp   98
sources/sprites/INFO2.bmp   98
sources/sprites/NEXT1.BMP   98
sources/sprites/NEXT2.BMP   98
sources/sprites/PAUSE1.BMP   98
sources/sprites/PAUSE2.BMP   98
sources/sprites/PLAY1.BMP   98
sources/sprites/PLAY2.BMP   98
sources/sprites/PLAYN1.BMP   98
sources/sprites/PLAYN2.BMP   98
sources/sprites/Playp1.bmp   98
sources/sprites/Playp2.bmp   98
sources/sprites/PREVIEW1.BMP   98
sources/sprites/PREVIEW2.BMP   98
sources/sprites/scroll_bas.bmp   146
sources/sprites/scroll_cur.bmp   134
sources/sprites/scroll_haut.bmp   146
sources/sprites/SHUFFLE1.bmp   98
sources/sprites/SHUFFLE2.bmp   98
sources/sprites/STOP1.BMP   98
sources/sprites/STOP2.BMP   98
sources/sprites/ti89.bmp   48054
sources/sprites/ti92.bmp   92214
sources/sprites/Thumbs.db   30720

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