The Super Duper Ultra Hyper Mega Precalculus Program
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The Super Duper Ultra Hyper Mega Precalculus Program
In simple terms, this will be the greatest Precalculus program that will ever be available on If you do not believe the credibility of this, then I suggest you take a look at my Super Duper Ultra Hyper Mega Algebra II Program. It is the most complete and comprehensive program now and it will stay that way. Many will try to imitate it, but none will work as good as this. A special thanks goes out for Edwin Howard and his Allmath Program. He was kind enough to let me use his excellent GUI system in which all of my programs are based on. From his base GUI (Graphics User Interface) I was able to add apassword protection system (un-crackable to an ordinary person), a fake clear screen (press [LOG]) so that teachers cant tell that you're using any programs and many other features. The options menu is accessible by pressing [ALPHA], and you can also recall the last subprogram you used (the number appears on the upper left corner). The password protection system will allow only you to access it, and will tell you how many wrong passwords have been typed in (if they try more than 3 times). Pressing [CLEAR] will quit the program. If you leave it running for a while, a screensaver will start up and you can return to the program by pressing any key. And finally press [MORE] for all the author information, my email, version number etc...
Jason Chu (
TI-86 BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size
19,976 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu Oct 30 04:00:12 2003
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