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Super Mario v1.1


Ranked as 7801 on our all-time top downloads list with 5565 downloads.
Ranked as 5873 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename mario.zip (Download)
Title Super Mario v1.1
Description Super Mario features beautiful graphics courtesy of Bill Nagel, 13 unique enemies, 64 unique background tiles (some with animation), fast scrolling, powerups like growth or flower-power, fireballs, a somewhat-challenging boss, an animated ending scene, and an expansive easy-to-use World editor that can be run on a calculator. Please consult the .txt file for more information.
Authors Sam Heald (samuel.heald@duke.edu)
Marc Plouhinec (porter) (m_plouhinec@yahoo.fr)
Category TI-82 Assembly Games (SNG)
File Size 78,385 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Aug 30 06:26:43 2003
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Rodney Blythe
Reviewed on 2004-09-05
Overall Rating-9/10 Superb
Graphics-10/10 Outstanding
Gameplay-9/10 Superb
Speed-9/10 Superb
”Super Mario” is a magnificent game that is an exact clone of the “Nintendo” game. It contains all of the same power-ups, including the mushroom and fire flower. All of the enemies from the original “Nintendo” version are in v1.2. It runs very efficiently on both regular TI-83 plus's and TI-83 plus SE's. The graphics are as close to the Nintendo version as a TI-83 can get. There is also an added feature, the level editor, which allows the user to make their own levels with ease. It contains tons of graphical tiles to add a lot of variety. This game will keep you busy for as long as you play it. Have Fun and Happy Downloading!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
mario.asm   72053
MARIO.82P   10044
medit.asm   38221
MEDIT.82P   6696
MARIO2.82P   14057
mario2.asm   102115
lisezmoi.txt   140
Nagel.82p   2114
medit.txt   1032
mario.txt   6194

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