Labyrinth 1.0 19006
Ranked as 31534 on our all-time top downloads list with 1690 downloads.
Review by
Brian Gordon
Reviewed on
Labyrinth is incredible. Badja's work really shines here with an exceptional feat of programming and graphical skill. The mazes are rather hard, although the real challenge of this game is trying to see past the graphics. For example, in one level, you move between small black rooms. A barrier is marked by one single pixel blocking the entranceway to the next room. It is challenges like this that make up the gameplay. Badja did rather well (except for one level) handling the evil screen bug that lowers the contrast when there is a lot of vertical contrast on the screen, such as when using a checkered pattern, which is a great plus considering that there are some pretty interesting patterns for maze walls in this game. All of the levels are automatically generated, making for great replay value. This game also features a nigh-impossible antimaze mode of play in which you can only leap over walls and not travel between them. This is a great addition and easily triples the playtime.
7/10 (7 is considered an excellent score). |
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Archive Contents
labyrnth/LABYRNTH.82P | 3903 |
labyrnth/LABYRNTH.asm | 35739 |
labyrnth/LABYRNTH.TXT | 2702 |
labyrnth/LABYRNTH_19.006.82P | 3903 |