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Super Start v2.00


Ranked as 255 on our all-time top downloads list with 39077 downloads.
Ranked as 2509 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Ranked as 339 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.08.

Filename superstart.zip (Download)
Title Super Start v2.00
Description Super Start launches PPG compressed and normal (ASM and BASIC) programs, but with a twist - it does the typing for you. After selecting a program in the VAR-LINK and pasting it to the Home Screen, you need press ENTER once. Super Start will finish typing parenthesis, decompress if necessary and launch the program. With Super Start installed, you can delete all of your ASM launcher programs which decompress PPG programs/games.
Author Greg Dietsche (random@gregd.org)
Category TI-89 Flash Applications
File Size 128,727 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Sep 17 00:20:00 2009
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Travis Evans
Reviewed on 2007-10-05
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

Evaluation time: 35 days (Jan. 20, 2007 to Feb. 24, 2007)

Tested on: HW2 TI-89 with AMS 2.09

* Stability/Reliability: 10/10

* Features: 10/10

* Size/Efficiency: 10/10

* Ease of use/Usability: 10/10

* Documentation: 9/10

* Overall: 10/10

Recommended: Yes

If you use more than one or two PPG-compressed ASM programs on your calculator, you really should have Super Start installed. As the description states, you can throw away all those PPG launchers and directly run the PPG files quickly and easily from the Home Screen. Super Start has proven very reliable in my personal experience and is very convenient. The leak watch feature that works with Command Post Plus! is also helpful, even if you're not quite a developer—if you find that your free RAM is inexplicably shrinking even accounting for all the things you have in RAM, and it only gets recovered when you do a [2nd]+[Left]+[Right]+[ON] reset, this can help you find which program's the culprit. It works for all ASM programs that you launch with it, not just PPG ones.

I highly recommend using Super Start to start any PPG programs rather than messing with their original launchers. Sometimes those launchers are old and can either give error messages or even crash your calculator. I've been able to start programs that come with buggy launchers by using Super Start to start them. Especially given Super Start's size (which seems very small for a Flash App), I'd say there really isn't any reason not to use it.

I fully recommend Super Start. I'm hard pressed to find anything wrong with it at the present!

See 3 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
sstart.9xK   5629
sstart.89K   5613
SuperStart.rtf   56854
source/appExt.c   11848
source/appExt.h   1152
source/BuildProcess.txt   623
source/clean.bat   433
source/CommandPostExport.h   3194
source/GForce.bmp   118
source/HomeHook.c   7021
source/HomeHook.h   1483
source/HWPatch.c   2226
source/HWPatch.h   1377
source/icon.bmp   966
source/Languages/localizers.c   15679
source/Languages/Localizers.tpr   337
source/oo.c   1500
source/oo.h   1406
source/package.bat   401
source/resources.H   204
source/resources.r   1516
source/sstart.c   21407
source/sstart.h   3580
source/sstart_export.h   2018
source/sstart89.FSP   414
source/sstart92p.FSP   418
source/sstartV200.FSP   416
source/SuperStart.gif   51983
source/SuperStart.rtf   56854
source/ttunpack.h   2861
source/undoc.h   1060
source/unpack_distro.zip   16550
source/xr.h   2895

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