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Pokemon Bundle version 2.0


Ranked as 584 on our all-time top downloads list with 23699 downloads.
Ranked as 1940 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 10 downloads.

Filename pokemonbundle.zip (Download)
Title Pokemon Bundle version 2.0
Description This includes both Pokemon games, Red and Blue bundled together. UPDATE: Updated readme file
Author YK (N/A)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing/Pokémon)
File Size 122,032 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Oct 4 19:22:46 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Bryce Taylor
Reviewed on 2007-09-23
Overall, the pokemon bundle games were too difficult to get to work properly and not enough like the regular game to be worth the download.

Graphics: 2/10

The title screen was nice, but the actual game graphics consist of the graph screen with a border around it, with holes indicating where you can go to a new town. The battles are not graphical, either.

Bugs: 3/10

This game took me a LONG time to figure out how to work. There are a ton of memory leaks, so I never could get the entire game to work at a single time.

Size: 5/10

It's big, and eats up every single bit of RAM (but still needs more), but large size is expected with RPGs.

Gameplay: 3/10

All of the strategy of the pokemon games is lost; everything is based on your type. However, using types is a bonus, but you cannot learn more moves, etc.

Speed: 7/10

The game runs at a decent speed, but it could be improved on.

Overall: 20/50

Don't bother downloading this because it is too hard to make work.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/Pic8.8xi   832
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/PKMNBLUE.8xg   13228
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/Pokemon QuickLevel Patch/readme.txt   378
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/Pokemon QuickLevel Patch/ZPF.8xp   2132
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/Pokemon.ttf   48072
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/ZM.8xp   1820
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/ZPF.8xp   2131
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/ZTOWN.8xp   3430
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/Pic8.8xi   832
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/PKMNRED.8xg   16601
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/Pokemon QuickLevel Patch/readme.txt   378
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/Pokemon QuickLevel Patch/ZPF.8xp   2132
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/Pokemon.ttf   48072
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/ZM.8xp   1820
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/ZPF.8xp   2131
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/ZTOWN.8xp   3430
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/~$adme Pokemon Red.htm   162
Pokemon Bundle/pokemon_map.jpg   38096
Pokemon Bundle/Readme.htm   90113

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