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z80 Workshop release 1.3


Ranked as 2332 on our all-time top downloads list with 10327 downloads.
Ranked as 2509 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Ranked as 641 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.41.

Filename z80workshop.zip (Download)
Title z80 Workshop release 1.3
Description Want a z80 editor/compiler that has more than NotePad? Well, here is what you need! It has many useful features: -Label jumper (box on right of screenshot). Click a link in that box, and jump straight to that label in the source! Magic! -Compile button (runs TASM & DevPac8X for you [included]). -'Tools' menu - allows you to add useful programs, like VTI, iStudio, or any other programming tools you might own. -Helpful errors! If TASM dumps a nasty one on you, a box pops up- click an error to jump to its line in the code! *Update* - Fixed bug that caused 'File already opened' error box if you tried to save before the program had finished loading.
Author Benjamin Ryves (benryves@benryves.com)
Category Windows Assembly Utilities
File Size 935,214 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jun 10 23:58:10 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Andrew Puggy
Reviewed on 2007-06-26
For a very long time I have been trying to learn assembly, but all of the compilers never worked! It may have been my fault, but I looked for an assembly IDE that would have the folders set up correctly. When I searched the site, I found a bunch of programs that would assemble z80 ASM, and this one was the best.

This is a great program for all of the programmers that have no clue why their assembler isn't working and don't want to use notepad. I was also happy to see the templates, so everyone who hates typing those headers for each program, this is the IDE for YOU!

Features: 9/10 (I would like APP support in future versions)

UI: 10/10 (No confusing command prompts!)

Documentation: 10/10

Overall: 9.5/10 (Next version I would love to see APP support!)


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Archive Contents
Name Size
z80 Workshop 1.3.exe   850852
z801.3.gif   115597
ReadMe.txt   342

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