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Super Saiya-jin Rage


Ranked as 573 on our all-time top downloads list with 23925 downloads.
Ranked as 2076 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.
Ranked as 769 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 1.95.

Filename rage.zip (Download)
Title Super Saiya-jin Rage
Description Several parts have been recoded for dual compilation on more than 1 platform. You can choose from Goku, SSJ Goku 3, Vegeta, SSJ Goku (GT), SSJ Adult Gohan, Frieza (hiddden), Majin Buu (hidden), Trunks, Eric Cartman (hidden), Raditz and finally, Gotenks. This has many updates for the ports. None of them crash when trying a difficulty level other than 1. Also, plz email me if you have feedback.
Authors Josh Gentry (houhou333@aol.com)
Levi Lansing (puzzlesome@hotmail.com)
Thibaut Chevalier (moitib_calliope@hotmail.com)
William White (will_white25@hotmail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 42,650 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 11 09:00:23 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
rage/Crash/Rage.82p   5554
rage/Ion/Rage.83p   5538
rage/Ion/Rage.8xp   5546
rage/Notes.txt   2330
rage/Rigel/Rage85.85s   7093
rage/source.zip   21496
rage/ti86/Rage86.86p   5797
rage/William White - ticalc.org.url   247

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