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Ranked as 11745 on our all-time top downloads list with 4291 downloads.
Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename frustration.zip (Download)
Title Gun
Description Take your frustration out on your screen with your handy calculator gun! Has three different weapons, and on some parts of the screen the bulletholes will stay after you leave the game!
Author Travis Fischer (fisch0920@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 13,800 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 15 06:22:41 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Robert Kipling
Reviewed on 2009-02-22
"Frustration" is a clever novelty calculator program, where the user is allowed to shoot virtual holes in your calculator. The aiming and shooting is first-rate, with the exception of the occasional glitch when you fire at the top or bottom of the screen.

Although I've never been angry at my calculator before, I figured it was worth a try, after I've seen people use similar programs on PCs. While the cursor (trigger) speed was quite quick and the effects were excellent, I had hoped a little more attention could have been paid to restoring the original screen instead of allowing bullet holes to remain after exiting the program.

Note: In case this program causes more frustration than it relieves (e.g. the screen just "doesn't look right" to you), archive all the files you care about, and hold the Left, Right, and 2nd keys and press On. This will RAM-resets your calculator and undoes any unwanted glitches with the screen.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
Frustration/Anger1.bmp   64054
Frustration/Anger2.bmp   64054
Frustration/bullets.bmp   64054
Frustration/Gun source.c   6845
Frustration/gun source.tpr   325
Frustration/gun.89z   3197
Frustration/ReadMe, pretty Please.txt   2531

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