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Physics Solver v1.2


Ranked as 58 on our all-time top downloads list with 107889 downloads.
Ranked as 13 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 108 downloads.
Ranked as 568 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.16.

Filename phsolver.zip (Download)
Title Physics Solver v1.2
Description Imagine being able to not have to pay attention in your Physics class ever again!! This program will let you solve 140 physics equations for **ANY VARIABLE** within each equation. Not only can you solve for whatever you want, but this program is easier to use than than the calculator's own Operating System. It also features the ability to only load certain subject on your calculator when you need them since they are divided up by subjects (24 programs total,) this will save you a lot of space! Finally if you and/or your friends struggle in Physics you need to get these programs, they exist for nearly every programmable TI Graping calculator, so check em out and start getting better grades today!
Author Morgan Davies (morgazum85@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Science Programs (Other Physics)
File Size 168,200 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Aug 1 16:14:44 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.82P   1059
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.83p   1147
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.8xp   1172
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.html   16985
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Acceleration.html   16229
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Atom.html   16271
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Circuits.html   16502
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Currents.html   16204
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Diffraction.html   16269
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Electric.html   16203
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/EMFields.html   16332
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Energy.html   16191
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Forces.html   16089
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Gravity.html   16489
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Induction.html   16406
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Magnetic.html   16095
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Matter.html   16307
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Mirrors.html   16207
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Miscellaneous.html   16158
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Momentum.html   16480
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Motion2D.html   16313
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Quantum.html   16283
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Reflection.html   16232
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Thermal.html   16284
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Vectors.html   16287
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Velocity.html   16182
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Waves.html   16299
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Work.html   16238
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Acceleration.82p   1509
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Atom.82p   1649
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Circuits.82p   1503
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Currents.82p   997
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Diffraction.82p   1194
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Electric.82p   1156
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/EMFields.82p   1250
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Energy.82p   1482
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Forces.82p   903
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Gravity.82g   2714
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Induction.82p   1908
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Magnetic.82p   616
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Matter.82p   1595
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Mirrors.82p   1124
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Miscellaneous.82p   1051
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Momentum.82p   1814
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Motion2D.82p   1640
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Quantum.82g   2296
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Reflection.82p   1087
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Thermal.82p   1586
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Vectors.82g   2008
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Velocity.82p   734
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Waves.82p   1771
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-82/Work.82p   1768
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Acceleration.83p   1605
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Atom.83p   1754
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Circuits.83p   1633
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Currents.83p   1085
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Diffraction.83p   1306
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Electric.83p   1274
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/EMFields.83p   2004
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Energy.83p   1629
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Forces.83p   987
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Gravity.83p   2837
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Induction.83p   2099
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Magnetic.83p   673
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Matter.83p   1735
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Mirrors.83p   1202
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Miscellaneous.83p   1150
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Momentum.83p   1968
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Motion2D.83p   1767
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Quantum.83p   2442
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Reflection.83p   1186
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Thermal.83p   1711
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Vectors.83p   2189
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Velocity.83p   793
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Waves.83p   1935
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83/Work.83p   1916
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Acceleration.8xp   1628
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Atom.8xp   1773
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Circuits.8xp   1652
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Currents.8xp   1115
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Diffraction.8xp   1328
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Electric.8xp   1300
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/EMFields.8xp   2024
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Energy.8xp   1646
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Forces.8xp   1004
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Gravity.8xp   2855
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Induction.8xp   2119
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Magnetic.8xp   699
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Matter.8xp   1762
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Mirrors.8xp   1227
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Miscellaneous.8xp   1174
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Momentum.8xp   1987
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Motion2D.8xp   1787
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Quantum.8xp   2467
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Reflection.8xp   1207
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Thermal.8xp   1736
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Vectors.8xp   2207
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Velocity.8xp   812
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Waves.8xp   1951
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-83 Plus/Work.8xp   1941

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