Phoenix 3.2 for Ion
Ranked as 85 on our all-time top downloads list with 79057 downloads. Ranked as 14989 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads. Ranked as 45 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.71.
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Phoenix 3.2 for Ion
Phoenix is an advanced shoot-em-up game for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-85, and TI-86 calculators. This game has very smooth gameplay (over 30 frames per second) with many objects onscreen. Its features include many different types of enemies, many different levels, the ability to buy additional items, five possible weapons for your ship, game saving, a high score table, multiple difficulty levels, and multiple speeds, and external levels. The game only takes about 8K of your memory. It is supplied with full source code. The program is in public domain so it may be copied or modified without any restrictions.
Patrick Davidson (
TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size
82,272 bytes
File Date and Time
Wed Dec 29 21:25:13 2004
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
scott delaney
Reviewed on
This is truly a work of art. This is what calculator games are all about. Although the graphics could be better, the features of "Phoenix" make up for it. This is also the building block that inspired many more to create variations of this game. "Phoenix" also supports external level files, so you never get bored playing the same level over and over again.
Graphics: 7/10 lacks grayscale - monochrome graphics aren't that good. Gameplay: 10/10 very addicting Replay value: 9/10 since it supports external levels, you can play many times and not get bored. Overall: 9/10 one of (if not) the best calculator games. You should get this, or a variation of this game A.S.A.P. |
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Archive Contents
build.bat | 108 |
build82.bat | 152 |
build83.bat | 252 |
build85.bat | 200 |
build86.bat | 169 |
buildmir.bat | 153 |
bullets.asm | 5585 |
collide.asm | 2159 |
data.asm | 974 |
disp12.asm | 5435 |
disp16.asm | 7426 |
drwspr.asm | 9594 |
ebullets.asm | 6801 |
emove.asm | 13744 |
enemies.asm | 4201 |
enemyhit.asm | 9179 |
eshoot.asm | 9609 |
exchange.asm | 1310 |
extlev12.asm | 7523 |
extlev16.asm | 2877 |
helper.asm | 3410 |
hityou.asm | 3418 |
images.asm | 13724 |
init.asm | 5445 |
internal.txt | 9772 |
keys.i | 614 |
levels.asm | 12984 |
levels.txt | 22481 |
lib.asm | 2463 |
lib12.asm | 2146 |
lib16.asm | 2457 |
main12.asm | 4042 |
main16.asm | 3946 |
main82.asm | 2297 |
main83.asm | 2349 |
main85.asm | 3044 |
main86.asm | 7215 |
mainmir.asm | 2749 |
phoenix.8xp | 8478 |
phoenixz.i | 4862 |
phoenixz.txt | 25498 |
player12.asm | 3768 |
player16.asm | 3971 |
score12.asm | 7066 |
score16.asm | 7175 |
shoot.asm | 4128 |
shop12.asm | 6273 |
shop16.asm | 5196 |
title12.asm | 7798 |
title16.asm | 8097 |
vars.asm | 2648 |