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The Super Duper Ultra Hyper Mega Algebra II Program


Ranked as 35 on our all-time top downloads list with 152962 downloads.
Ranked as 15 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 87 downloads.
Ranked as 649 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.24.

Filename algebra2program.zip (Download)
Title The Super Duper Ultra Hyper Mega Algebra II Program
Description ***New and Final Update*** Now it includes an Application Version of each program to ease archiving/unarchiving troubles. Simply Put: This Program will do all the things you will learn in Algebra II. Now that school is over, the entire year-long project has ended in SUCCESS!!! Using my programs, I only missed ONE on the final out of 80! ***Special Thanks To: Edwin Howard For His Help*** This is the only algebra II program you'll ever need because it has everything all in one big package. This Update includes the Newly Split Algebra2 Program into Algebra2A and Algebra2B. This set includes every major topic covered in an Algebra II Class. I have compiled the Applications using Martin Warmer's Basic Builder App Creator.
Author Jason Chu (khruschev@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size 155,453 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jun 23 05:46:22 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  mary kline
Reviewed on 2004-07-30
This is the grandest math program of all time. I like how this program just does enough: it does not do every little last possible thing for you, but it frees your mind up so you can apply some of the formulas and whatnot in the program. My only complaint is that I wish this program had the ability to just do some of these inequalites and these absolute value inequalites a tad bit better. But one topic out of the ton of invaluable topics on this program gives this an A+ in my book. This program will eat your memory, but it stores as an app, and I think that is very considerate of the developer. I would totally download this program if I were in Algebra One because that way you can play with it and be exposed to a great many things you will see as you progress in your studies.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
ALGBRA2B.8xp   12981
ALGEBRA2.8xp   22560
ALGEBRA3.8xp   19776
ALGEBRA4.8XP   18791
ALGEBRA5.8xp   8159
Algebra II Super Program Manual.txt   18371
ALGEBRAtheta.8xp   16528
Application Format/Algebra 2A and 2B.8xk   35571
Application Format/Algebra 3.8xk   22815
Application Format/Algebra 4 and 5.8xk   33105
Screen Shots/Screen Shot 1.GIF   7456
Screen Shots/Screen Shot 2.GIF   8088
Screen Shots/Screen Shot 3.GIF   7335
Screen Shots/SCREEN01.BMP   71622
Screen Shots/SCREEN02.BMP   73782
Screen Shots/SCREEN03.BMP   73782
Screen Shots/SCREEN04.BMP   73782
Screen Shots/SCREEN05.BMP   73782
Screen Shots/SCREEN06.BMP   73782
Screen Shots/SCREEN07.BMP   73782
Screen Shots/SCREEN08.BMP   73782
Screen Shots/SCREEN09.BMP   73782
Screen Shots/SCREEN10.BMP   73782
Screen Shots/SCREEN11.BMP   73782
Screen Shots/SCREEN12.BMP   73782
ALGBRA2A.8xp   15329

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