Ark! v1.1
Ranked as 3881 on our all-time top downloads list with 8016 downloads. Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Sam Heald
Reviewed on
Attention span: 6/10 Only 9 levels Controls: 9/10 Simple Implementation: 6/10 Too big(5.5K), for too little Overall: 6/10 Fun game
This is your standard arkanoid-clone. You control a paddle while a ball bounces around destroying blocks. This genre of game has been made for every imaginable gaming console and now here it is for the 82.
It is hard to rate this game against assembly games of today. This was one of the first 82 ASM games(it came out in mid-1997). While lacking some of the major features of today's TI arkanoid-clone(speed changer, level selecter, powerups), Ark! still is a lot of fun.
The speed is fast paced. The nine levels included are fairly well designed. The play mechanics of the ball hitting the paddle is actually better than Orzunoid and Turbo Breakout 2, in my opinion. Unlike Orzunoid, the bouncing ball isn't quite so predictable. However, the detection of the ball hitting the bricks leaves much to be desired.
But let's face the facts. This game can not compete with Orzunoid, Turbo Breakout, or other TI ASM breakout clones. Simply too much is missing to warrant the 5.5K size. First, there is no speed changer or level selector. Second, although the bricks have different patterns, each brick takes one hit to remove. Third, there are no powerups, Fourth, there are only nine levels, and no external level support.
In summation, this game is tons of fun, but it probably will not have much lasting power on your 82 after you play it through a couple times. I do recommend downloading it, though. Reminds me of AlleyWay for GameBoy. |
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Archive Contents
ARK11.82P | 5486 |
ARK11.TXT | 945 |
ARK11.ASM | 24539 |
TI82.H | 6053 |
MATH.LIB | 450 |
LCDSFX.LIB | 981 |
KEYS.INC | 5486 |
GRAPH.INC | 4447 |
ARKLEVEL.H | 2457 |
ARKDATA.H | 2148 |
TI82DISP.LIB | 2510 |