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KerNO v2.0


Ranked as 3236 on our all-time top downloads list with 8694 downloads.
Ranked as 2807 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename kerno20.zip (Download)
Title KerNO v2.0
Description The best way to describe KerNO is 'DoorsOS for nostub programs' KerNO provides: Anti-Crash protection (Address Error, Illegal Instruction, etc...), ESC-ON to break out of programs that are not responding, DIAMOND-ON to turn the calculator off even when it is 'busy', Removes the ASM program size limits, ASM programs can return values in expressions. New in this release: bug fixes (fixes all bugs with FLASH APPS), keyboard speedup, V200 support, and much, much more.
Author Greg Dietsche (random@gregd.org)
Category TI-89 Assembly Shells (Out-of-date)
File Size 167,483 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Oct 25 16:43:14 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
build.bat   361
KerNO.gif   93621
KerNO.txt   12033
Tech.txt   1804
KerNO.asm   23228
h220xtsr/readme.txt   15711
h220xtsr/developr/c/h220xtsr.h   3091
h220xtsr/developr/asm/h220xtsr.h   2250
h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.a   1644
h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.asm   16912
h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.tpr   329
h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.asm   15374
h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.89z   1533
h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.9xz   1533
h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.tpr   329
h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.9xz   797
h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.asm   6110
h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.tpr   329
h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.89z   797
hw2patch/hw2patch.89z   1653
hw2patch/hw2patch.9xz   1653
hw2patch/HW2Patch.cpp   3117
hw2patch/HW2Patch.exe   31232
hw2patch/LisezMoi.txt   2865
hw2patch/ReadMe.txt   2558
ErrorSimulations/bigr.c   379
ErrorSimulations/bigr.tpr   284
ErrorSimulations/ErrorSimulator.c   8595
ErrorSimulations/ErrorSimulator.tpr   458
ErrorSimulations/Readme.txt   567
ErrorSimulations/retval.c   418
ErrorSimulations/retval.tpr   288
ErrorSimulations/retval2.c   464
ErrorSimulations/retval2.tpr   301
ErrorSimulations/fline.tpr   327
HW2KerNO.89z   2949
KerNO.89z   1745
HW2KerNO.9xz   2949
KerNO.9xz   1745
ErrorSimulations/fline.c   1708

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