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The King of Fighters 2k (Kof2k)


Ranked as 291 on our all-time top downloads list with 36227 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 395 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.93.

Filename kof2k.zip (Download)
Title The King of Fighters 2k (Kof2k)
Description The premier fighting game for the 83 and 83 Plus calculators. This game, based on the gameboy game, will include 8 of the characters from the original game. It includes AI so you can play against the computer. Other features include a saved high score in practice mode, a full tournament mode, several secret characters, and much more.
Author Joe Flint (joef43065@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size 560,987 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jul 29 04:25:07 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Ben Nagy
Reviewed on 2007-12-12
I am a large fan of Soul Calibur, and other arcade games of that nature. KoF is good, but not that good. As a fighter game, it would be okay, but as a calculator program, it is terrible.

The file itself is very large, and each character requires its own program in addition to this! Also, there is no multiplayer, and the computer is always too easy, or too hard, because there are only a few moves you can repeatably perform.

It's a great game to show your friends, but just not worth having for the play of it.

Speed: 7/10

Good speed

Gameplay: 6/10

It's okay

Replay: 2/10

Not very good...

Graphics: 9/10

Could use a background? Or easier to see character?

Resources: 2/10

Terribly large

Overall: 5/10

Not all it's cracked up to be. Try it once or twice... maybe.

See 3 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
kofnewest.gif   89458
KofPrev.8xp   6355
KofPrev.83p   6351
kyo.8xp   966
kyo.83p   964
mai.8xp   996
mai.83p   994
MARC.8XP   1456
MARC.83P   1454
mrbig.8xp   1238
mrbig.83p   1236
robert.8xp   1002
robert.83p   1000
ryo.8xp   1020
ryo.83p   1018
terry.8xp   998
terry.83p   996
andy.8xp   1020
andy.83p   1018
chizuru.8xp   1149
chizuru.83p   1147
clippy.8xp   1029
clippy.83p   1027
don.8xp   1477
don.83p   1475
geese.8xp   1158
geese.83p   1156
joe.8xp   972
joe.83p   970
KILLABYT.83P   896
KOF2.GIF   41790
KOF2K.8XP   19673
KOF2K.83P   19498
kof2k.swf   258768
Kof2kReadme.txt   8145
KOF3.GIF   36364
KOF4.GIF   37597
KOF5.GIF   65599
KOF6.GIF   45939
KOF.GIF   13933

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