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Physics Solver v1.2


Ranked as 51 on our all-time top downloads list with 115452 downloads.
Ranked as 2807 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.
Ranked as 633 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.48.

Filename phsolver.zip (Download)
Title Physics Solver v1.2
Description Imagine being able to not have to pay attention in your Physics class ever again!! This program will let you solve 140 physics equations for **ANY VARIABLE** within each equation. Not only can you solve for whatever you want, but this program is easier to use than than the calculator's own Operating System. It also features the ability to only load certain subject on your calculator when you need them since they are divided up by subjects (24 programs total,) this will save you a lot of space! Finally if you and/or your friends struggle in Physics you need to get these programs, they exist for nearly every programmable TI Graping calculator, so check em out and start getting better grades today!
Author Morgan Davies (morgazum85@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Kinematics)
File Size 234,809 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 8 22:17:21 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Michael Confidential
Reviewed on 2008-11-15
This program is great for any of the math questions you will find in your physics class. It has nearly every formula imaginable and is easy to use. The only downside is that the program changes some of your mode settings and doesn't change them back when it is done, and it clears the homescreen after every use.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.89p   1536
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.92p   1191
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.9xp   1407
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.html   17632
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.v2p   1516
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Acceleration.html   16878
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Atom.html   16926
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Circuits.html   17169
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Currents.html   16872
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Diffraction.html   16936
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Electric.html   16870
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/EMFields.html   16999
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Energy.html   16858
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Forces.html   16759
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Gravity.html   17110
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Induction.html   17073
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Magnetic.html   16765
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Matter.html   16974
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Mirrors.html   16874
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Miscellaneous.html   16826
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Momentum.html   17147
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Motion2D.html   16980
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Quantum.html   16950
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Reflection.html   16899
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Thermal.html   16951
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Vectors.html   16954
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Velocity.html   16852
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Waves.html   16920
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Work.html   16905
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Acceleration.89p   4824
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Atom.89p   5976
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Circuits.89p   4588
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Currents.89p   3428
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Diffraction.89p   4324
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Electric.89p   4000
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/EMFields.89p   4512
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Energy.89p   4716
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Forces.89p   2728
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Gravity.89p   8120
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Induction.89p   5724
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Magnetic.89p   2056
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Matter.89p   5144
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Mirrors.89p   3076
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Miscellaneous.89p   3536
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Momentum.89p   5660
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Motion2D.89p   5108
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Quantum.89p   7368
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Reflection.89p   3020
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Thermal.89p   4908
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Vectors.89p   6152
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Velocity.89p   2128
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Waves.89p   5300
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-89/Work.89p   5360
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Acceleration.92p   5188
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Atom.92p   6546
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Circuits.92p   5188
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Currents.92p   3897
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Diffraction.92p   4745
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Electric.92p   4554
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/EMFields.92p   5158
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Energy.92p   5352
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Forces.92p   3001
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Gravity.92p   9098
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Induction.92p   6232
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Magnetic.92p   2337
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Matter.92p   5881
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Mirrors.92p   3455
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Miscellaneous.92p   4035
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Momentum.92p   6299
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Motion2D.92p   5739
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Quantum.92p   8247
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Reflection.92p   3446
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Thermal.92p   5565
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Vectors.92p   7062
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Velocity.92p   2380
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Waves.92p   5930
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92/Work.92p   6066
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Acceleration.9xp   5189
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Atom.9xp   6546
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Circuits.9xp   5188
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Currents.9xp   3897
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Diffraction.9xp   4746
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Electric.9xp   4554
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/EMFields.9xp   5158
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Energy.9xp   5352
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Forces.9xp   3001
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Gravity.9xp   9098
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Induction.9xp   6232
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Magnetic.9xp   2337
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Matter.9xp   5881
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Mirrors.9xp   3455
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Miscellaneous.9xp   4035
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Momentum.9xp   6299
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Motion2D.9xp   5739
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Quantum.9xp   8247
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Reflection.9xp   3446
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Thermal.9xp   5565
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Vectors.9xp   7062
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Velocity.9xp   2380
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Waves.9xp   5930
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-92 Plus/Work.9xp   6066
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Acceleration.v2p   4792
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Atom.v2p   5944
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Circuits.v2p   4568
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Currents.v2p   3400
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Diffraction.v2p   4288
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Electric.v2p   3972
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/EMFields.v2p   4496
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Energy.v2p   4684
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Forces.v2p   2700
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Gravity.v2p   8092
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Induction.v2p   5700
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Magnetic.v2p   2024
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Matter.v2p   5112
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Mirrors.v2p   3048
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Miscellaneous.v2p   3508
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Momentum.v2p   5628
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Motion2D.v2p   5080
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Quantum.v2p   7336
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Reflection.v2p   2996
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Thermal.v2p   4880
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Vectors.v2p   6120
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Velocity.v2p   2096
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Waves.v2p   5276
Physics Solver v1.2/Voyage 200/Work.v2p   5328

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