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Physics Solver v2.4


Ranked as 1019 on our all-time top downloads list with 16699 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 426 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.75.

Filename phsolver.zip (Download)
Title Physics Solver v2.4
Description Imagine being able to not have to pay attention in your Physics class ever again!! This program will let you solve 140 physics equations for **ANY VARIABLE** within each equation. Not only can you solve for whatever you want, but this program is easier to use than than the calculator's own Operating System. It also features the ability to only load certain subject on your calculator when you need them since they are divided up by subjects (24 programs total,) this will save you a lot of space! Finally if you and/or your friends struggle in Physics you need to get these programs, they exist for nearly every programmable TI Graping calculator, so check em out and start getting better grades today!
Authors Matt Bennett (mbcalcman@yahoo.com)
Morgan Davies (morgazum85@gmail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Science Programs
File Size 283,461 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Nov 29 10:50:06 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Acceleration.86p   1434
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Atom.86p   1571
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Circuits.86p   1486
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Currents.86p   1193
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Diffraction.86p   1262
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Electric.86p   1333
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/EMFields.86p   1332
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Energy.86p   1498
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Forces.86p   1106
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Gravity.86p   2049
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Induction.86p   1641
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Magnetic.86p   983
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Matter.86p   1521
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Mirrors.86p   1137
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Miscelaneous.86p   1274
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Momentum.86p   1644
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Motion2D.86p   1644
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Quantum.86p   1954
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Reflection.86p   1217
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Thermal.86p   1518
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Vectors.86p   1690
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Velocity.86p   1031
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Waves.86p   1702
Physics Solver v2.4/Programs/Work.86p   1613
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Acceleration.html   18343
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Atom.html   18482
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Circuits.html   18942
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Currents.html   18428
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Diffraction.html   18398
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Electric.html   18564
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/EMFields.html   18523
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Energy.html   18509
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Forces.html   18250
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Gravity.html   18807
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Induction.html   18777
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Magnetic.html   18255
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Matter.html   18678
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Mirrors.html   18365
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Miscelaneous.html   18317
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Momentum.html   18798
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Motion2D.html   18578
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Quantum.html   18592
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Reflection.html   18381
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Thermal.html   18602
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Vectors.html   18593
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Velocity.html   18342
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Waves.html   18617
Physics Solver v2.4/ReadMe/Work.html   18556
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Acceleration.asm   34585
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Atom.asm   38869
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Circuits.asm   33914
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Currents.asm   27618
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Diffraction.asm   29667
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Electric.asm   31410
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/EMFields.asm   32262
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Energy.asm   34507
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Forces.asm   24245
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Gravity.asm   49655
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Induction.asm   37860
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Magnetic.asm   20437
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Matter.asm   34975
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Mirrors.asm   26130
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Miscelaneous.asm   28172
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Momentum.asm   38938
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Motion2D.asm   39253
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Quantum.asm   45983
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Reflection.asm   26468
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Thermal.asm   34053
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Vectors.asm   39980
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Velocity.asm   21962
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Waves.asm   39871
Physics Solver v2.4/Source/Work.asm   37217
Physics Solver v2.4/PhSolver.86p   2103
Physics Solver v2.4/PhSolver.asm   27221
Physics Solver v2.4/-phy.86p   443
Physics Solver v2.4/-phy.asm   8254
Physics Solver v2.4/PhSolver.html   30366

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