Dragon Quest 86
Ranked as 3459 on our all-time top downloads list with 8444 downloads. Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads. Ranked as 127 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.54.
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Dragon Quest 86
ANOTHER game from Biobytes. Be amazed by this games FF series like fight gfx, or perhaps the ISOMETRIC 3D gfx (kind of) Or just sit back and enjoy the (cough!) rich storyline and complex interface! Get creative with this RPG! Greyscale: 47k: Biobytes
Thomas Williamson (jedivsith@yahoo.com)
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
221,173 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu Mar 28 20:43:41 2002
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Anthony Loven
Reviewed on
Attention span: 10/10 I really wanted to beat this game! Controls: 9/10 There's an item in the game that will boost your walking speed! Implementation: 9/10 I never saw such a variety of items in a calc RPG before! Overall: 9/10 Thomas Williamson has outdone himself here.
Dragon Quest is a long RPG for the calculator. Unlike other calculator RPG's, this one never really gets repetitive (except in caves sometimes) and can accommodate everyone's playing styles. Thomas put certain relics in the game, and by using them, the player gets some type of bonus or effect. I liked the Super Glove, which let me whack the enemy back whenever he hit me, and whack him again after that. The graphics were very smooth, and he rounded the map edges so it looks real. The game was very fast as well. The only downside (this is usually the case in any RPG) is that it has a low replayability factor. I played it twice, with a year in between, because it was not really different one way or the other. But this is to be expected, and the time it takes to beat this game surpasses such a downside. I recommend this game to any RPG lover, or just a person who wants to fail their classes glued to their calculator. Great job! |
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Archive Contents
greyscale.asm | 3273 |
dqfight.asm | 19812 |
dqfight.inc | 3475 |
dqmaps.asm | 44003 |
dqmaps.inc | 50 |
dqmaps2.asm | 44289 |
dqmaps2.inc | 117 |
dqmaps3.asm | 34245 |
dqmaps3.inc | 94 |
dqmapsprites.asm | 11532 |
dqmenu.asm | 5053 |
dqsave.asm | 229 |
dqtalk.asm | 10158 |
dqtalk.inc | 1574 |
DQuest.asm | 6040 |
DQuest.inc | 35456 |
dqcharsprites.asm | 6850 |
gselect.asm | 9595 |
lstat.asm | 1094 |
LTM.asm | 4956 |
monsterdata.asm | 18111 |
subroutes.asm | 11213 |
variable.asm | 5533 |
Walkthrough.txt | 1281 |
DQuest.86g | 46956 |
Readme.txt | 10325 |
overworld.GIF | 128593 |