[Usgard 1.1+] DStar v1.1
Ranked as 5260 on our all-time top downloads list with 6940 downloads. Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Eric Hansen
Reviewed on
Attention span: 8/10 Depends on your level of patience. If it isn't high, you will lose interest very fast. Controls: 9/10 Good controls, although frustrating at times, when you want to moe the ball to a certain spot. Implementation: 10/10 VERY innovative game. Good for when you are bored, and have nothing better to do.
Overall: 9/10 Fun game. Worth the time to download and check out.
DStar v1.1 is a puzzle game in which you are a small marble, and you have to collect all of the gems. There's one catch, though: You can move any of the four cardinal directions, but you have to move all the way across the screen unless you hit an obstruction.
The game is very challenging. I was able to get by the first two levels with minimal brain-wracking, but when I got to levels three and above, the skill and thinking level goes up.
The pros to the game are that it is very innovative, and that it takes a little thinking to get through.
The cons are that it soon became frustrating, and I started wanting to rip out my hair. To enjoy the game, you need to be patient, and you need to have an open mind. If you have that, then this is a great game to pass time, or even when you've got nothing to do. A fun and challenging game, DStar is definitely worth the download. |
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Archive Contents
DSTAR.85S | 1452 |
DSTAR.TXT | 1078 |
DSTAR.ASM | 19656 |