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Allmath v7.12


Ranked as 138 on our all-time top downloads list with 56605 downloads.
Ranked as 28 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 61 downloads.
Ranked as 505 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.46.

Filename allmath.zip (Download)
Title Allmath v7.12
Description Allmath is an all-inclusive math program that will calculate and do a variety of things (work and equations shown on most functions) including: complete the square, direct/indirect variation, number of solutions, midpoint, prime numbers, Pythagorean theorem, quadratic formula, slope, distance, vertex, area, volume, surface area, y intercept, Fibonacci sequence, circumference, average, simplified square roots, proportions, system of equations, distance of point to line, types of quadrilaterals, scientific notation, a point of an isosceles trapezoid, Pythagorean triples, law of sines/cosines, DMS, geometric mean, circle equation maker, lateral area, apothem finder, point-slope to Y-intercept, frustums, graphing without Y= format, graphing < and >, vector magnitude and direction, vector addition, and 3D distance, test for collinear points, 3D midpoint, sphere equation maker, distance of parallel lines, modulus, 3 variable system of equations, standard form to y intercept, cramers rule, 3 points to equation for parabola, graphing inequalities, All about conics (equation makers, details about, and etc.), logarithms of X base, iterations, sequences, and sum of sequences, *Newly added Cramer's Rule for a system of 3 equations*. Allmath is compatible with MirageOS. For TI-84 C/CE find a compatible Allmath version on corresponding ticalc directory). Recommended for Pre-algebra through Calculus. Version 7.12.
Author Edwin Howard (e12voltsdac@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 22,614 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Nov 23 15:42:29 2017
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Pasan Kithmina
Reviewed on 2021-05-30
The program was amazing but when I used it on my ti 84 plus most of the program worked but the surface area did not work and the last two pages did not load. I tried deleting and reinstalling the program multiple times but this issue occurred.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Allmath.txt   3444
ALLMATH.8xp   20645

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