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Platinum Edition 1.4 for TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200


Ranked as 745 on our all-time top downloads list with 20721 downloads.
Ranked as 6374 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 261 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.24.

Filename phxplat92p.zip (Download)
Title Platinum Edition 1.4 for TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200
Description The Platinum Edition of Phoenix! This is an advanced shoot-em-up game, with very smooth gameplay with many objects onscreen. It has grayscale, scrolling backgrounds, many different types of enemies, many different levels, the ability to buy additional items, eight possible weapons for your ship, a high score table, multiple difficulty levels, and allows you to save the game at any point. The game only takes about 22K of your memory. It is supplied with full source code. The program may be copied or modified without any restrictions. This is a nostub program so no shell or kernel is required. It should be compatible with all HW and AMS versions except the very old AMS 1.00. Don't forget to also check out Mercury, the sequel to this game.
Author Patrick Davidson (pad@ocf.berkeley.edu)
Category TI-92 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 93,033 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 3 20:05:02 2012
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Jeremiah Simpkins
Reviewed on 2013-01-30
This is, in my opinion, the best assembly game ever written for the TI-92 Plus. The graphics are amazing, the levels so entertaining that I unfortunately find myself not blinking for extended periods of time! The speed is great, the preferences/options that you can elect to adjust are a great inclusion as a part of this game. Get it, you won't get rid of it!

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Archive Contents
Name Size
arc.bat   444
back.asm   7776
build.bat   215
bullets.asm   2604
collide.asm   3252
disp89.asm   6994
disp92.asm   8859
drawspr.asm   6512
ebullets.asm   5456
edestroy.asm   3599
edgemap.gsm   344
edgemap.i   207
edgetile.gst   2330
edgetile.i   1208
em92.gsm   424
em92.i   271
endgame.asm   9077
enemies.asm   4066
enemies2.asm   19332
enemies3.asm   8491
eshoot.asm   13369
et92.gst   3890
et92.i   2678
gray.asm   10867
hitenemy.asm   16191
init.asm   8358
levels.asm   21109
lib.asm   6994
megaboss.asm   6719
pattern.asm   1525
platinum.9xz   22209
platinum.asm   8193
platinum.i   7862
platinum.txt   20764
player.asm   2626
setup.asm   8654
shoot.asm   8641
shop.asm   10749
sprites.asm   74268
starmap.gsm   1064
starmap.i   901
startile.gst   3890
startile.i   2691
startup.asm   4628
title.asm   10448
title.bin   920
title.BMP   4758
vars.asm   2884
version.i   2337
which.i   16

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