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Venus Lander v1.2


Ranked as 13893 on our all-time top downloads list with 3821 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename vlander.zip (Download)
Title Venus Lander v1.2
Description A Clone of the classic Lunar Lander : but the game plays on planet Venus ; The screen represents a 2D view of the planet surface, and you have to land with a LEM as slow as you can on a flat area. You can command the ship with 4 directionnal reactors. Includes : gravity effect simulation, possibility to command the ship out of the screen, random ground generator, 2 different background, 3 difficult modes, and now highscores.
Author Thibaut Chevalier (moitib_calliope@hotmail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 12,707 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 22 10:26:46 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Donald Straney
Reviewed on 2004-05-12
When I first tried “Venus Lander,” it seemed impossible. However, after trying for a few days, I was able to land correctly a significant portion of the time. The controls aren't the most responsive ones I've seen, but that just adds to the challenge! The graphics, though not in grayscale, are great, and there are enough different landing sites that it will take a long time to get bored with this game. The only problem is that when the batteries get low, some of the thrusters will randomly fire.

Overall, I would highly recommend this game. Just remember to give it a while to grow on you before deleting it.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
vLander.86p   3005
vLander.asm   27509
vLanderReadMe.txt   3172
ASCR.H   4382

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