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RIGView v2.4


Ranked as 679 on our all-time top downloads list with 21799 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 189 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.43.

Filename rigview.zip (Download)
Title RIGView v2.4
Description Allows you to convert multiple picture files from a computer into a compressed calculator format, and display them on a TI-83 Plus in high-quality four-level grayscale.
Author paul248 (paul@pmarks.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Graphics Programs (MirageOS)
File Size 229,538 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Feb 16 14:50:47 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Roberto Sanchez
Reviewed on 2006-03-03
“RIGView” is incredible. It gives you very realistic grayscale pictures that are of great quality for a calculator. The zip file includes a Windows program that will convert a picture file stored on your comp into a picture file for your calc in a click of the mouse. With some clever use of picture editing tools, you can create an awesome photo album for your calc. This program is great, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to keep some memories near and dear, or someone who is looking for awesome graphics.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
rigconverter.gif   31108
source/RIGALONE.Z80   2555
source/RIGConverter Source.zip   16235
source/RIGLRTB.Z80   1302
source/RIGVIEW.Z80   11161
!readme.txt   6128
RIGConverter.exe   86016
images/BIRDS.8XP   1491
images/birds.gif   7093
images/CHICAGO.8XP   1196
images/chicago.gif   7101
images/CRVETTE.8XP   890
images/crvette.gif   5981
images/DAVEMAT.8XP   1416
images/davemat.gif   7447
images/DETROIT.8XP   1216
images/detroit.gif   4953
images/EARTH.8XP   908
images/earth.gif   4978
images/EINSTN.8XP   1316
images/einstn.gif   3426
images/GLFBALL.8XP   1567
images/golfbal.gif   7623
images/GOOGLE.8XP   582
images/google.gif   2247
images/GRAYTST.8XP   285
images/graytst.gif   1197
images/GWBUSH.8XP   1055
images/gwbush.gif   5850
images/LEMON.8XP   965
images/lemon.gif   6032
images/LUCYRKY.8XP   1328
images/lucyrky.gif   7521
images/NIAGARA.8XP   996
images/niagara.gif   6513
images/ROSE.8XP   999
images/rose.gif   6695
images/RVSP250.8XP   870
images/rvsp250.gif   4933
images/SAILBT.8XP   1107
images/sailbt.gif   6115
images/SATURN.8XP   1069
images/saturn.gif   4859
images/SRFMARS.8XP   1063
images/srfmars.gif   5612
images/STATION.8XP   1228
images/station.gif   6606
images/USFLAG.8XP   1016
images/usflag.gif   4546
images/XFILES.8XP   1139
images/xfiles.gif   6377
RIGv2 File Format.txt   627
rigview.gif   1003

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